
Jay Hosking

B.Sc. Hons (Toronto), PhD (UBC)
Dr Jay Hosking
Richmond Office: R 2406

Jay Hosking obtained his Honours BSc in Neuroscience at the University of Toronto, graduating with High Distinction. He then completed a PhD in Neuroscience at the University of British Columbia and began a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Harvard University. His research focus is decision making; working with both rats and humans, he has examined the neurocircuitry, neurochemistry, and psychosocial factors that underlie why individuals make different choices. His research publications include such prestigious academic journals as Neuron, Cerebral Cortex, and PLOS One. Outside of psychology and neuroscience, Jay also holds degrees in Creative Writing and Music, is a published author of fiction by Penguin Canada and MacMillan USA, and likes to run with his dogs.

Jay is interested in supervising honours students.

Courses taught

  • PSYC 1200
  • PSYC 2400

Areas of Interest

Neuroscience, brain and behaviour, behavioural neuroscience, cognitive-affective neuroscience, decision making, cost/benefit decision making, individual differences, prefrontal cortex, striatum, amygdala, dopamine, acetylcholine, rats, humans, science literacy, critical thinking