
Kristie Dukewich

B.Sc. (U of A), M.Sc. (Dalhousie), PhD (Dalhousie)
K Dukevich
Surrey Office: Surrey Main 2881-9
Richmond Office: R 2402

I grew up in Northern Alberta in a town called Slave Lake. After completing my undergraduate in Edmonton I spent a year in Taiwan teaching English, studying Mandarin, and traveling around Southeast Asia. I have had the opportunity to live in various Canadian cities, including graduate studies in Halifax, a post-doc in Vancouver, and a faculty position in Toronto. But Vancouver has been my hometown from the moment I arrived in 2009, and I am thrilled to be back!


Courses taught

  • PSYC 1100: Introduction to Psychology: Basic Processes
  • PSYC 1200: Introduction to Psychology: Areas and Applications
  • PSYC 2375: Perception
  • PSYC 2385: Cognition
  • PSYC 3800: Evolutionary Psychology
  • PSYC 3950: Cognitive Ergonomics
  • Past courses: Sensation & Perception; Introduction to Statistics; Human Memory; Cognitive Development; Cognitive Neuroscience

Areas of Interest

My discipline-specific work focuses on visuospatial processing, memory, and attention. I have published one of the leading theories of an attentional effect called inhibition of return (IOR; Dukewich, 2009), and I recently published a critique of the state of IOR research using a survey of experts in the field to illustrate the lack of consensus in defining and identifying the effect (Dukewich & Klein, 2015).

I am also involved in a variety of scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) projects. I have presented and written on low-stakes writing assignments, peer assessments and ethical dilemmas in teaching. I have also starting a program of research that bridges my discipline-specific and pedagogical interests, using cognitive research in visuospatial processing, memory, attention and learning to inform the best practices for slide design in higher education.

Scholarly Work