Kurt Penner

BA (Hons) (Manitoba), MA (UBC), M.Th. (Regent)
Kurt Penner
Phone: 604-599-2927
Surrey Office: Surrey Main 2881-14
Richmond Office: R 2402

Courses taught

  • PSYC 1100
  • PSYC 1200
  • PSYC 2370
  • PSYC 3960
  • PSYC 4010

Areas of Interest

Social psychology, student transition, career development/transition, teaching & learning, student leadership development and open educational practice.

Current research involvement: Comparing effectiveness of online vs print & open vs traditional textbook use in introductory psychology courses (co-investigator with other KPU Psychology Faculty); Investigating question order effects (difficulty) in multiple choice testing (co-investigator with other KPU Psychology Faculty).


Scholarly Work