Lucy Jdanova

B.Sc. (Cameron University), M.Sc. (Cameron University), MA (Wayne State), PhD (Wayne State)

I hold a Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Wayne State University. In the past two decades, I have taught and developed a variety of psychology and statistics undergraduate and graduate university courses (ranging from 5 to 200 students) to demographically diverse students majoring in psychology, business, nursing, journalism, computer science, engineering, and other disciplines. I greatly enjoy working with students on their research projects.

Courses taught

  • PSYC 1100: Introduction to Psychology - Basic Processes
  • PSYC 2300: Applied Statistics
  • PSYC 3220: Group Dynamics
  • PSYC 3400: Applied Research l
  • PSYC 3930: Consumer Psychology - Research & Applications

Areas of Interest

My personal research interests primarily focus on work-family issues, cross-cultural adjustment, and psychological climate in organization. As a consultant, I have worked on a number of applied projects with a wide range of organizations. Some of the work involved validation of selection tools and practices, construction of pre-screen questionnaires, job analysis, and statistical consultation.

Professional Memberships

  • Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)
  • Canadian Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (CSIOP)

Scholarly Work

  • Pierce, J., Zhdanova, L., & Lucas, T. (2017). Positive and negative affectivity, stress, and well-being in African-Americans: Initial demonstration of a polynomial regression and response surface methodology approach. Psychology & Health, 33 (4), 445-464.
  • Arnetz, J., & Zhdanova, L., Arnetz, B. (2016). Patient involvement: A new source of stress in health care work? Health Communication. DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2015.1052872
  • Zhdanova, L., & Lucas, T. (2015). Justice Beliefs, Personal Well-Being and Harsh Social Attitudes: Initial Demonstration of a Polynomial Regression and Response Surface Methodology. Current psychology, 35(4).
  • Arnetz, J., & Zhdanova, L. (2015). Patient involvement climate among Registered Nurses in Sweden. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24(3-4), 475-485.
  • Baltes, B. B., Zhdanova, L., & Clark, M. (2011). An Examination of the individual and environmental antecedents of Selection, Optimization, Compensation (SOC) strategies. Journal of Business and Psychology, 26(4), 517-530.
  • Arnetz, J., Zhdanova, L., Elsouhag, D., Lichtenberg, Luborsky, P., & Arnetz, B. (2011). Baltes, B. B., Zhdanova, L., & Parker, C. (2009). Psychological climate perceptions: Contrast and comparison of organizational and individual level referents. Human Relations, 62(5), 669.