
Susan Thompson

Phone: 604-599-2505
Voicemail: 9776
Richmond Office: R 2402

In addition to her position in the Faculty of Arts, Psychology Department at KPU, Susan has also worked at Coastal Vancouver Health  as an Eating Disorders Counsellor from 1990 to 2016. She maintains a private practice in Sports Performance Counselling, and coaches athletes at the National level in Dressage. Her teaching interests are in child, adolescent and adult development, and she has coauthored a text on adolescent development.

Susan is interested in supervising honours students.

Courses taught

  • Psyc 1100 Introduction to Psychology: Basic Processes
  • Psyc 1200 Introduction to Psychology: Areas and Applications
  • Psyc 2320 Developmental Psychology: Childhood
  • Psyc 2321 Developmental Psychology: Adolescence
  • Psyc 2322 Developmental Psychology: Adulthood

Areas of Interest

Sports Psychology, the influence of peers on the development of eating disorders, body image and sport involvement, sociometric status in childhood