English Proficiency Requirement
English Proficiency Requirements for Admission
Entrance Package / Portfolio Requirements
Once you have applied to KPU, you will receive a link to upload the following components onto the online submission portal SlideRoom:
01 / Portfolio
Provide 8 - 12 samples of your work*.
Within your 8 - 12 samples, include at least three examples of graphic design (for example, yearbook design, websites or mobile apps, logo design/branding, typography, packaging design, etc.). In addition to graphic design, include other two-dimensional work, such as:
- Drawings or paintings
- Photography
- Video or animation
- Process sketches from a sketchbook, journal or tablet
- Please do not include character animation, 3D modelling or animé
*Include original work in your portfolio (your own ideas and your own graphic elements created either digitally or by hand). If you do incorporate graphic elements that were not originally created by you, please make this clear in the descriptive statement of the relevant piece(s). If you include work that was created collaboratively as part of a team, tell us in the description which part(s) you contributed to.
- Allowed Formats: PDF, image, video, web link
02 / Video
Create and submit a video that helps us get to know you better. Use your creativity to showcase your current skills and answer the questions provided below.
Video Guidelines:
- Who are you? Introduce yourself.
- Talk about two of your favourite portfolio pieces. What current skills do they demonstrate and why are they important to you?
- Why graphic design? What do you hope to learn from the Graphic Design for Marketing program? What are your career aspirations?
Video Requirements:
- Must feature and be narrated by the applicant.
- Maximum 5 minutes, 500MB
- Allowed Formats: .m4v, .mov, .mp4, .wmv, .flv, .asf, .mpeg, .mpg, .mkv, or a YouTube/Vimeo link.
03 / Resume
Outline any work or volunteer history, education, technical knowledge, skills and abilities, etc.
- Provide dates, responsibilities, and names of organizations.
- Allowed Format: PDF
04 / Unofficial Transcript(s) - Optional
Providing copies of transcripts is not mandatory; however, providing digital copies of any unofficial secondary and/or post-secondary transcripts will assist in the assessment of your entrance package.
- Allowed Format: PDF
NOTE: Official transcripts should be sent directly to Admissions, if requested.

Applicants to the Graphic Design for Marketing program may be contacted for an in-person or remote interview.
Information Sessions
We strongly recommend attending one of our Information Sessions. These sessions provide a great opportunity to learn more about our programs, hear from faculty, ask questions, and explore what’s possible at KPU.
How to submit the required documents?
Once you have applied to KPU, you will receive email instructions on how to fulfill Admission Requirements.
Meet English Proficiency Requirement: Contact KPU Admissions if you need assistance with submitting official documents. If you are an international student, contact KPU International at international@kpu.ca. Please do not submit English Proficiency proof to SlideRoom.
Submit Entrance Package: After applying to KPU, you will receive a link to upload your Entrance Package onto the online submission portal, SlideRoom. Please ensure you have completed your online application on EducationPlannerBC and reviewed the requirements before submission. Note that a supplemental fee and data privacy consent are required by the portal.
Contact Us
If you have more questions about admission requirements, email design@kpu.ca