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Board / Senate Task Force on Bi-cameral Governance

I am pleased to announce that, as of March 30th 2016, both the Senate and the Board of Governors have approved the recommendation of the Board/Senate Task Force on Bi-Cameral Governance that it be disbanded, having successfully fulfilled its mandate.

The task force was established in 2010 to explore the implementation of bicameral governance at KPU, and it was key to the development of a number of documents, including  Principles to Guide Bi-Cameral Governance at KPU, Procedures to Ensure Bi-cameral Governance Regarding Budget Development and Review Process, and the Establishment, Revision, Suspension and/or Discontinuance of Programs Policy.

The final Principles to Guide Bi-Cameral Governance were approved by the Board and by Senate in 2016.

I would like to thank all those who were involved in the task force over the last few years, and to celebrate this important moment in the evolution of KPU.

Documents Agreed to by the Task Force

Principles to Guide Bi-Cameral Governance at KPU

Establishment, Revision, Suspension and/or Discontinuance of Programs Policy