Healthy University Initiative (HUI) champions are committed representatives – students, faculty, staff - from across the KPU community who have been tasked with developing and implementing an action plan to foster a culture of health + wellness at KPU. Two working groups have been established:
- Student Working Group
- Employee Working Group
The Healthy University Framework guides the activity of these groups to ensure initiatives are connected and coordinated to benefit the entire KPU community.
The reason two groups have been established is to ensure there is an opportunity to focus on the specific and unique needs of both students and employees. While the needs of the two groups will overlap in many areas, it is anticipated that the groups will also have different needs.
Specifically, Working Group members will play a critical and active role in developing, implementing and monitoring the wellness programs, services and activities. Responsibilities include:
- Engaging and collaborating with the KPU community to build capacity to actively participate in health and wellness initiatives;
- Supporting the development, implementation and evaluation of an action plan;
- Ensuring the ongoing assessment and monitoring of the effectiveness of health promotion initiatives;
- Advising on the creation of performance measurements;
- Advising on the development and implementation of policies, practices and programs that promote health and wellness; and
- Making informed recommendations to help address health risk trends.
As Health Champions, members will support the promotion of the Healthy University Initiative across the university and serve as a resource to others. Health Champions walk the health + wellness talk!