Academics Without Borders

Academics Without Borders: Empowering Education, Enriching Lives

Academics Without Borders (AWB) is a charitable organization based in Canada that collaborates with higher education institutions in the most disadvantaged countries, enhancing their capacity to educate the professionals and leaders crucial for the prosperous societies they aspire to build.

AWB provides chances for Canadian university faculty and staff to volunteer in ongoing projects or propose new ones. Typically, these efforts stem from established partnerships with colleagues in collaborating institutions.

Join the Global Effort

In many parts of the world, higher education institutions face significant challenges in providing quality education due to limited resources and support. AWB steps in to bridge this gap by leveraging the expertise of Canadian university faculty and staff. By volunteering with AWB, you can make a tangible difference in communities striving for progress and development.

AWB offers unique opportunities for Canadian university faculty and staff to volunteer in ongoing projects or propose new ones. These initiatives are often born from established partnerships with colleagues in collaborating institutions, ensuring that the efforts are meaningful and impactful.

Types of Projects Supported by AWB

AWB projects typically include:
•    Enhancing Research Capacities: Providing training and resources to boost research capabilities.
•    Developing Academic Programs/Curricula: Assisting in the creation and improvement of academic programs to meet international standards.
•    Enhancing Teaching Methods: Introducing innovative teaching techniques and best practices.
•    Conducting Graduate Workshops: Facilitating workshops to help graduate students and faculty advance their skills.
•    Assessing Policies: Reviewing and recommending policies to improve institutional efficiency and effectiveness.
•    Enhancing University Governance: Supporting better governance practices to ensure sustainable institutional development.

Coverage of Expenses

AWB volunteers are reimbursed for their expenses but are not paid a salary. Depending on the specific call for volunteers, AWB may cover some or all of the following expenses:
•    Necessary vaccinations and medications
•    Medical and travel insurance
•    Economy air travel
•    In-transit costs for hotels and meals
•    Stipend for living expenses
•    Visa costs

Get Involved!

If you’re interested in making a difference through volunteering, subscribe to AWB’s newsletter to receive the latest news about volunteering opportunities you might be interested in.

Additional resources:

•    The AWB Network Member Handbook
•    Application package

Current Opportunities

AWB partner Micro Research is looking for volunteers
Read more about this opportunity here.
For more information, contact AWB’s Associate Executive Director Corrie Young

AWB Volunteer Opportunity: Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan in Kenya
Read more about this opportunity here.
For more information, contact AWB’s Associate Executive Director Corrie Young