All-Gender Washrooms at KPU

All-gender washrooms are accessible to everyone, regardless of gender. They can be single-occupancy or multi-stall.

Expanding the number of all-gender washrooms is one of the ways to further KPU’s dedication to equity, diversity, and inclusion for all students, staff, and campus users. Our goal is to foster a campus environment that is inviting and inclusive, ensuring that no one is excluded from essential facilities.

The Office of Equity and Inclusive Communities at KPU contracted TransFocus Consulting to conduct an assessment of transgender and non-binary (TNB) inclusion in washroom facilities. 
TransFocus conducted four listening sessions among 18 KPU stakeholders and a review of washroom facilities in 17 buildings on five campuses. 

As of September 2024, there are 19% all-gender washrooms across all KPU campuses. KPU has set a goal of 30% all-gender option washrooms by 2028.

With the support of the two reports below from TransFocus, KPU will spend the next five years transforming washrooms across campus to make them more gender inclusive. 

Inclusive Washroom Guidelines


Why is KPU making these changes?

Washrooms are a basic necessity. Given the current washroom set-up, some people do not have adequate access to washrooms. Given that one of KPU’s core values is inclusion, KPU is undertaking renovations to increase access.

When will the changes be happening?

They have already started. Washrooms will be updated on an ongoing basis with the goal of 30% inclusive washrooms across KPU by 2028.

Where can I find information about the facilities being updated?

KPU Facilities team is working diligently to update all washrooms. A list of gender inclusive washrooms will be listed here and updated as areas are renovated.

Will there still be washrooms for both binary genders on campus?

Yes, 70% of washrooms will still be designated for women and men. However, all washrooms welcome people of all genders. Please remember that people know which washroom they need to use.

Feedback Form

Any questions, feedback, ideas? Fill out the anonymous form below to let us know what is going well, what needs to be improved, and if there are any safety concerns.

Feedback on Inclusive Washrooms

Is this an emergency or do you need immediate support? OEIC resources page