The password for student email will be the same as the one you use for other KPU systems. Please go to and try your login there. If you are able to log in but still cannot access your email, please contact the IT Service Desk at 604-599-2116 or email for assistance.
The convention for student emails is your first name (dot) your last name, followed by, with some variation to account for users sharing the same name.
Your email address is provided in the “KPU Next Steps” application confirmation letter sent to your personal email from
To update your preferred or chosen name, visit the Personal information Menu tab in Online Self-Service.
Once your preferred name has been updated, you may email to request to have your email updated to use your preferred name instead of your legal name.
Student email accounts are provided by Microsoft (Office 365).
Your information is stored on Microsoft's Canadian servers.
Yes. Microsoft 365 is used by Capilano University, Vancouver Community College, the University of Toronto, the University of Edinburgh, Queen's University, Brock University, Dalhousie University, Lethbridge College, and the University of Calgary, among others.
The Office 365 email service offers 50 GB of data storage, calendaring, and is accessible on tablets and mobile devices.
No. KPU's Microsoft 365 is the official way that the university communicates with students.
Yes. Instructions for forwarding your email can be found here.
All KPU class lists have been automatically updated with student emails.