Outlook: Manually configure email

These instructions are only applicable to Outlook on a PC.

  1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
    Outlook Setup
  2. Search for Mail in the top right corner, and click Mail (32-bit).
  3. Click Show Profiles.
    Outlook Setup
  4. Click Add.
    Outlook Setup
  5. Enter the new profile's name, and then click OK.
    Outlook Setup
  6. Select Manually configure server settings..., and then click Next.
    Outlook Setup
  7. Select Microsoft Exchange..., and then click Next.
    Outlook Setup
  8. Complete the following fields, and then click More Settings...:
Field What to do...
Server type outlook.office365.com
User Name Enter your email address. Clicking Check Name will not work.

  1. Image
    Outlook Setup
  2. Go to the Security tab, and then complete the following fields:
Field What to do...
Encrypt data between Microsoft... Deselect this option.
Logon network security Select Anonymous Authentication.

  1. Image
    Outlook Setup
  2. Go to the Connection tab, select Connect to Microsoft Exchange using HTTP, and then click Exchange Proxy Settings.
  3. Complete the following fields, and then click OK:
Field What to do...
Use this URL to connect to my proxy server for Exchange: Type outlook.office365.com in the field.
Connect using SSL only Select this option.
Only connect to proxy servers... Select this option, and then type msstd:outlook.com
On fast networks... Select this option.
On slow networks... Select this option.
Use this authentication... Select Basic Authentication.

  1. Image
    Outlook Setup
  2. Click OK on the Microsoft Exchange window.
  3. If prompted, enter your email account and its password, and then click OK.
    Outlook Setup
  4. Click Finish.

Next Steps

You now should be able to open Outlook and send and receive your Office 365 email.