Language and Cultures Faculty
Beaulieu, Nicole | Master of Education, SFU, Curriculum and Instruction |
Brucks, Kimiko | BA (Aoyama Gakuin University), MA (Kwansei Gakuin University) |
Creed, Myles | BA (Lewis & Clark College), MA (University of Amsterdam), PhD (University of Victoria) |
Gauvreau, Laurence | BA (University of Montreal), MA (Simon Fraser University), PhD (Simon Fraser University) |
Ghosh, Sajib | MA and BA (Jahangirnagar University), PhD Candidate in Linguistics (University of Victoria) |
Johal, Ranbir | BA (UBC), B.Ed. (UBC), MA (UBC), PhD (UBC) |
Morishita, Yoko | BA (Literature), B. Soc. (Modern Social Studies), M.Ed. (Curriculum & Instruction) |
Qiao, Huifang (Linda) | BA (Nankai University, China), MA (The University of Sydney, Australia) |
Qu, Yanfeng | BA (Shandong), MA (BFSU), PhD (UBC) |
Robles, Ana | BA (UBC) MA (UBC) |
Rojas-Primus, Constanza | BA (Metropolitana), MA (Alberta), PhD (Alberta), Cert. Intercultural Studies (UBC) |
Ruffié, Mélanie | BA (Western University), MA (Western University) |
Sian, Gurpreet | BA (SFU), MEd (SFU) |
Stein, Justin | BA (Hamilton College), MS in Ed. (CUNY-Brooklyn), MA (Hawaii), PhD (Toronto) |
The Department wishes to acknowledge the contributions of the following retired faculty members:
Päivi Koskinen (Linguistics, 19 years of service)
Olivier Clarinval (French, 15 years of service to KPU)
Sumiko Nishizawa (Japanese, 21 years of service to KPU)
Bea Pires (German)
Christiane Richards (French, 20 years of service to KPU)
Seiko Roberts (Japanese, 19 years of service to KPU)
Patricio Ramirez (Spanish)
Brinsley Stewart (French, 22 years of service to KPU)