Admission Requirements



English Proficiency Requirement

English Proficiency Requirements for Admission


Entrance Package / Portfolio Requirements

Once you have applied to KPU, you will receive a link to upload the following components onto SlideRoom:

01 / Questionnaire

Complete the questionnaire using provided links in SlideRoom.

02 / Resume

Outline any work or volunteer history, education, technical knowledge, skills and abilities, etc. 

  • Provide dates, responsibilities, and names of organizations.
  • Allowed Format: PDF 

03 / Letters of Reference

A referee can be an employer, community member, coach, teacher/instructor, or any individual who can describe your passion for design, teamwork skills, communication skills, or time management, etc. It is not recommended to use friends or family members as references. Applicants will be asked to write a rationale if they are unable to provide references. 

  • Number of References: 1-3
  • Allowed Format: PDF
  • Reference information to be provided in the Letter:

      - Name of Referee

     - Referee Title and Organization

     - Contact Information (phone, email, and address)

     - Relationship to the Applicant

04 / Unofficial Transcript(s) - Optional

Providing copies of transcripts is not mandatory; however, providing digital copies of any unofficial secondary and/or post-secondary transcripts will assist in the assessment of your entrance package.  

  • Allowed Format: PDF

NOTE:  Official transcripts should be sent directly to Admissions, if requested.

05 / Video

Create and submit a video that helps us get to know you better. Use your creativity to showcase your current skills and answer the questions provided below.

Video Guidelines: 

  • Tell us about yourself. Please include your knowledge, skills, and abilities and what makes you a good candidate for the program. 
  • From your own research into the interior design profession, let us know how this career is a good fit for you. 
  • Tell us how you heard about KPU and why you chose us for your interior design education.

Video Requirements: 

06 / Portfolio 

Provide descriptions (WHAT / HOW / WHY) with each portfolio item. The more pieces you submit the easier it is for us to evaluate your application. For any non-digital work, please provide high-quality photographs or scans. 

  • Allowed Format: PDF (you can either submit one complete PDF package or separate PDF files for each portfolio piece)


Entrance Package / Portfolio Guidelines

Further to 1-5 above in the Entrance Package Requirements, we will be reviewing your submission for:

Communication Skills
Designers require strong oral and written communication skills to effectively present their ideas, communicate with various professional consultants on a project, and to articulate their technical knowledge. Please show us your communication skills by answering our questionnaire on SlideRoom and submitting a video featuring you answering a set of questions. We may also review your communication skills during the interview phase.

Awareness of the Interior Design Profession
Designers must have a clear understanding of the profession in which they practice. We want to see your passion for design and evidence that you understand the "profession" of interior design. Show us you understand the difference between a registered professional interior designer and a decorator or stager. Show us the results of your research in your questionnaire or any other accompanying piece in your portfolio submission.

Designers need to be creative, flexible, and able to problem-solve. We are looking for your thinking process, your ability to problem-solve, process and methods, and your curiosity. We want to understand how you solve a problem and/or the process you use to work through a project. You can show us this in a number of ways including within your portfolio by explaining your pieces of work and/or through your personal video.

At the interview, we may ask you to elaborate by explaining an example of taking on a problem, evaluating issues, identifying potential solutions, and applying those solutions.

Life Skills
Life skills are an ability to problem-solve, be self-aware, and think critically. Professional interior designers work in teams as well as independently. Interior designers require strong time-management skills, teamwork, and organizational skills.

For the Portfolio submission, we would like to see the following:

Visual Communication
An eye for design is important as is your ability to draw. Designers use various visual communication skills to understand, translate, interpret, and communicate design concepts and solutions. Show us examples of your drawing and/or 3-dimensional skills. You may want to include sketches, sketchbooks, drawings, model-making, painting, drafting, etc. Show us anything you have that shows your ability to communicate visually.

Designers need to have the ability to build and create sample boards, models, and other visually expressive items. Good craftsmanship is important. 

Show us your production skills. We want to see your approach to making things and your attitude toward your work and attention to details. We want to see how you put things together. You may want to include, prints, pottery, poster-making, built items, model-making, furniture-making, or layouts, etc.

Creative Work
Designers need to be creative, flexible, and able to problem-solve. We are looking for your thinking process, your ability to problem-solve, and your curiosity. Show us a variety of creative work such as painting, drawing, photography, jewelry, models or sculptures, or anything else you have 'designed' or 'created' or 'built'. Have you made a film, video, or website? Include it. Most importantly, include written descriptions (that explain your process and include your reflection) along with your creative work. 

*Ensure to review the requirements before submitting entrance package onto SlideRoom.



Successful applicants to the Interior Design program will be contacted for an in-person or remote interview. Receiving an interview invitation does not guarantee admission to the program. 


Information Sessions

We strongly recommend one of attending our Information Sessions. These sessions provide a great opportunity to learn more about our programs, hear from faculty, ask questions, and explore what’s possible at KPU.


How to submit the required documents?

Once you have applied to KPU, you will receive email instructions on how to fulfill Admission Requirements. 

Meet English Proficiency Requirement: Contact KPU Admissions if you need assistance with submitting official documents. If you are an international student, contact KPU International at Please do not submit English Proficiency proof to SlideRoom.

Submit Entrance Package: After applying to KPU, you will receive a link to upload your Entrance Package onto the online submission portal, SlideRoomPlease ensure you have completed your online application on EducationPlannerBC and reviewed the requirements before submission. Note that a supplemental fee and data privacy consent are required by the portal.


Contact Us

If you have more questions about admission requirements, email