English as a Second Language

If you are learning English as a new, additional language, click on a topic below to find help tailored for you on that topic. (And if English is your native language, you may still find useful links here.)

A. Vocabulary (including Dictionaries)

B. Pronunciation

C. Listening

D. Reading

E. Grammar

F. Writing

A. Vocabulary



B. Pronunciation


C. Listening

The following sites have specific listening exercises. For further listening practice, most radio and TV stations and networks (CBC Radio, the BBC, NPR and CNN in the US, etc.) stream some or all of their programs through their websites, so you can listen to them on-line. Also, we suggest that when you watch DVD movies, you set the movie up to show you the subtitles, so you can read what's being said.


D. Reading


E. Grammar

For specific grammar problems:


F. Writing

Also see the various resources in the Writing section of this site's Essential Skills Resources pages.
