Our students are local and international, they are makers and shakers, they are stylists and planners, they are thinkers and creatives. These unique individuals form a collective of passionate designers-in-training who make the Wilson School of Design one of the most dynamic places to be.
Coming soon.
Our Fashion Marketing Grads are proud to share their collective e-portfolios! Throughout the semester, students planned, coordinated, and executed a successful virtual event to celebrate their two year journey at the Wilson School of Design.
The grads of 2021 used their creativity to host their year-end event using the online platform, Pebble Pad. Through collaboration and hard work, the students were able to creatively express themselves, highlighting both personal and professional accomplishments within the program.
Each student created their own page where they share perspective on skills they’ve learned, personal experiences within the program, and examples of their own work. The Fashion Marketing PebblePad page highlights each student’s individuality and allows them to express their personal style! Please click below image to check the Fashion Marketing collective PebblePad e-portfolio!