Spring 2012 seat availability at Kwantlen (E-F)

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Seat Availability

A-B | C-D | E-F | G-L | M-N | O-Z

Term: 201210
Last updated: 16-JAN-2012 07:45 PM

SubjSection CRN Title Seats Avail Xlist Seats Avail
Schedule Type Days Begin - End Location Instructor
ECHS1112R50 12155 Interpersonal Communications 1 11
Lecture T 1900 - 2150 R 1830 Hansen, C
ECHS1114L01 10961 Comm. for Caring Professionals 2
Laboratory T 1100 - 1250 L 2030 DeGroot, J
Laboratory W 1100 - 1250 L 2030 DeGroot, J
Laboratory W 1200 - 1350 L 2030 DeGroot, J
Laboratory W 1200 - 1350 L 2030 DeGroot, J
Laboratory R 1100 - 1250 L 2030 DeGroot, J
ECHS1114L02 10962 Comm. for Caring Professionals 2
Laboratory R 0830 - 1020 L 2030 DeGroot, J
Laboratory R 1300 - 1450 L 2030 DeGroot, J
Laboratory T 1330 - 1520 L 2030 DeGroot, J
Laboratory W 1400 - 1550 L 2030 DeGroot, J
Laboratory W 1400 - 1550 L 2030 DeGroot, J
Laboratory W 1330 - 1520 L 2030 DeGroot, J
ECHS1114L10 10960 Comm. for Caring Professionals 4
Lecture W 0830 - 1120 L 2030 DeGroot, J
Lecture T 0830 - 1020 L 2030 DeGroot, J
Lecture W 0830 - 1020 L 2030 DeGroot, J
Lecture R 0830 - 1020 L 2030 DeGroot, J
Lecture W 1200 - 1350 L 2030 DeGroot, J
Lecture T 1230 - 1420 L 2030 DeGroot, J
ECHS1125R50 12154 Principles of Observation 10
Lecture R 1900 - 2150 R 1830 Norman, N
ECHS1135R50 12099 Person Centred Practise 10
Lecture T 1900 - 2150 R 2160 Hansen, C
Lecture T 1900 - 2150 R 1830 Hansen, C
Lecture T 1900 - 2150 R 1830 Hansen, C
Lecture T 1900 - 2150 R 1830 Hansen, C
ECHS1212L10 11596 Interpersonal Communications 2 1
Lecture M 1230 - 1520 L 2040 Hansen, C
Lecture M 1230 - 1520 L 2040 Hansen, C
ECHS1212L15 11603 Interpersonal Communications 2 1
Lecture M 0900 - 1150 L 2005 Hansen, C
Lecture M 0900 - 1150 L 2005 Hansen, C
ECON1150A75 10802 Principles of Microeconomics 2
Online F 1400 - 1450 A 2065 Reddick, D
Online F 1400 - 1550 A 128 Reddick, D
Online - A ONLINE Reddick, D
Online F 1400 - 1550 A 128 Reddick, D
ECON1150L12 10941 Principles of Microeconomics 5
Lecture TR 1300 - 1420 L 2045 Akbar, M
ECON1150R13 10205 Principles of Microeconomics 1
Lecture TR 1300 - 1420 R 2300 Ghosh, S
ECON1150R15 10811 Principles of Microeconomics 1
Lecture M 1600 - 1850 R 2300 Akbar, M
ECON1150S15 10231 Principles of Microeconomics 1
Lecture MW 1430 - 1550 S 1364 Shandler, L
ECON1150S50 10838 Principles of Microeconomics 1
Lecture M 1900 - 2150 S 1364 Lantinova, V
ECON1150S51 10943 Principles of Microeconomics 1
Lecture T 1900 - 2150 S 1364 Leonard, M
ECON1250A75 10803 Principles of Macroeconomics 4
Online F 1400 - 1550 A 128 Reddick, D
Online F 1500 - 1550 A 2065 Reddick, D
Online - A ONLINE Reddick, D
Online F 1400 - 1550 A 128 Reddick, D
ECON1250R13 10217 Principles of Macroeconomics 1
Lecture MW 1300 - 1420 R 2300 Xiang, H
ECON1250S11 10237 Principles of Macroeconomics 2
Lecture MW 1300 - 1420 S 1364 Leonard, M
ECON1250S12 10839 Principles of Macroeconomics 2
Lecture TR 1430 - 1550 S 1364 Eddy Sumeke, F
ECON2210L10 12135 Money and Banking 18
Lecture R 1600 - 1850 L 1305 Leonard, M
ECON2210R50 10220 Money and Banking 1
Lecture W 1900 - 2150 R 2300 Veldhuis, N
ECON2210S10 10245 Money and Banking 15
Lecture R 1600 - 1850 S 1364 Shandler, L
ECON2255R10 10841 Globalization 1
Lecture R 1600 - 1850 R 2300 Chen, J
ECON2255S10 11994 Globalization 23
Lecture TR 1130 - 1250 S 1364 Shahidi, J
ECON2350R10 11253 Intermediate Microeconomics 3
Lecture T 1600 - 1850 R 2300 Vujovic, S
ECON2350S10 10247 Intermediate Microeconomics 26
Lecture W 1600 - 1850 S 124 Leonard, M
ECON3100S10 11995 Econ of Sustainability Policy 33 31
Lecture M 1600 - 1850 S 130 Vujovic, S
ECON3150R10 10842 Managerial Economics 4
Lecture W 1600 - 1850 R 2300 Vujovic, S
ECON3251R10 11993 Women and the Economy 17
Lecture M 1600 - 1850 R 1840 McAuley-Bax, S
ECON3451S50 11996 Macroeconomic Policy I 24
Lecture R 1900 - 2150 S 1364 Akbar, M
EDUC2220S10 12015 Intro Educ Psychology 1
Lecture M 1300 - 1550 S 130 Faber, S
EDUC3210S10 12016 Class Mngt & Discipline 14
Lecture W 1600 - 1850 S 130 Faber, S
EDUC3320R10 12003 Career Couns and Ed 30 2
Lecture M 1600 - 1850 R 3080 Hickinbottom, S
EDUC4100S11 12014 Post-University Transition 4
Lecture R 1600 - 1850 S 130 Auton-Cuff, F
ELST0041S10 10496 Fnds Level - Reading & Writing 8
Lecture MTWR 1000 - 1150 S 142 Geddert, M
ELST0181R10 10482 Engl for Academic Purpose-Lev1 1
Lecture MTWR 0800 - 0950 R 1360 Asano, L
ELST0181R12 10825 Engl for Academic Purpose-Lev1 1
Lecture MTWR 1400 - 1550 R 1370 Petersen, K
ELST0183R10 10484 Aca.Listen & Speak Skill Lev 1 3
Lecture MTWR 1000 - 1150 R 1370 Ko, S
ELST0183R12 10919 Aca.Listen & Speak Skill Lev 1 3
Lecture MTWR 1600 - 1750 R 1690 Manton, L
ELST0183S10 10498 Aca.Listen & Speak Skill Lev 1 6
Lecture MTWR 1000 - 1150 S 144 Karapanos, A
ELST0262R74 10805 Grammar II 4
Partially Online T 1600 - 1850 R 1355 Ling, A
Partially Online - R ONLINE Ling, A
ELST0281R10 10486 Engl for Academic Purpose-Lev2 1
Lecture MTWR 0800 - 0950 R 1690 Mroczek, J
ELST0281R76 10488 Engl for Academic Purpose-Lev2 1
Partially Online MW 1600 - 1850 R 2525 Edwards, P
Partially Online - R ONLINE Edwards, P
ELST0281R77 11700 Engl for Academic Purpose-Lev2 5
Partially Online TR 1900 - 2150 R 1355 Manton, L
Partially Online - R ONLINE Manton, L
ELST0281S10 10499 Engl for Academic Purpose-Lev2 5
Lecture MTWR 0800 - 0950 S 144 Karapanos, A
ELST0281S75 10500 Engl for Academic Purpose-Lev2 1
Partially Online - S ONLINE Hemsworth, L
Partially Online TR 1430 - 1720 S 1015 Hemsworth, L
ELST0283R74 10489 Aca. Lstn & Speak Skill Lev 2 1
Partially Online TR 1000 - 1120 R 2515 Mroczek, J
Partially Online - R ONLINE Mroczek, J
ELST0283R75 10857 Aca. Lstn & Speak Skill Lev 2 2
Partially Online TR 1130 - 1250 R 2515 Mroczek, J
Partially Online - R ONLINE Mroczek, J
ELST0381R10 10491 Engl for Acad Purposes-Lev 3 6
Lecture MTWR 0800 - 0950 R 2515 Ko, S
ELST0381R11 11074 Engl for Acad Purposes-Lev 3 5
Lecture MTWR 0800 - 0950 R 2525 Edwards, P
ELST0381R74 10492 Engl for Acad Purposes-Lev 3 5
Partially Online - R ONLINE Petersen, K
Partially Online TR 1000 - 1250 R 1360 Petersen, K
ELST0381R75 10923 Engl for Acad Purposes-Lev 3 5
Partially Online - R ONLINE Ling, A
Partially Online S 1000 - 1250 R 1355 Ling, A
Partially Online W 1900 - 2150 R 1355 Ling, A
ELST0381R76 10493 Engl for Acad Purposes-Lev 3 2
Partially Online - R ONLINE Wong, K
Partially Online TR 1900 - 2150 R 1690 Wong, K
ELST0381S74 11710 Engl for Acad Purposes-Lev 3 1
Partially Online - S ONLINE Franz, M
Partially Online TR 1000 - 1250 S 146 Franz, M
ELST0381S75 10503 Engl for Acad Purposes-Lev 3 9
Partially Online - S ONLINE Phillips, K
Partially Online TR 1900 - 2150 S 146 Phillips, K
ELST0383R75 10495 Aca Lstn & Speak Skills Lev 3 3
Partially Online TR 1000 - 1120 R 3450 Kira, S
Partially Online - R ONLINE Kira, S
ELST0383R76 10950 Aca Lstn & Speak Skills Lev 3 1
Partially Online TR 1430 - 1550 R 1360 Williams, M
Partially Online - R ONLINE Williams, M
ELST0383S74 10951 Aca Lstn & Speak Skills Lev 3 1
Partially Online TR 1300 - 1420 S 146 Mills, B
Partially Online - S ONLINE Mills, B
ELST0383S75 10504 Aca Lstn & Speak Skills Lev 3 6
Partially Online - S ONLINE Daley, J
Partially Online MW 1900 - 2020 S 144 Daley, J
ELST0383S76 12199 Aca Lstn & Speak Skills Lev 3 4
Partially Online - S ONLINE Tosetti, E
Partially Online TR 1600 - 1720 S 146 Tosetti, E
ENGL1100L10 10360 Intro to University Writing 1
Lecture TR 0830 - 0950 L 2045 Buirs, B
ENGL1100L11 10363 Intro to University Writing 2
Lecture MW 1000 - 1120 L 2580 Swail, B
ENGL1100L12 10365 Intro to University Writing 2
Lecture F 1000 - 1250 L 2025 Hickman-Barr, M
ENGL1100L13 10366 Intro to University Writing 1
Lecture TR 1130 - 1250 L 2025 Buirs, B
ENGL1100R10 10254 Intro to University Writing 1
Lecture T 1000 - 1250 R 2725 Doyle, K
ENGL1100R12 10256 Intro to University Writing 1
Lecture F 1000 - 1250 R 2725 Doyle, K
ENGL1100R17 10262 Intro to University Writing 2
Lecture TR 1430 - 1550 R 2525 Gooding, E
ENGL1100R20 12228 Intro to University Writing 1
Lecture T 1600 - 1850 R 2505 Swail, B
ENGL1100S12 10444 Intro to University Writing 1
Lecture R 1000 - 1250 S 116 Martell, C
ENGL1100S22 10471 Intro to University Writing 1
Lecture TR 1430 - 1550 S 116 Watson, D
ENGL1100S25 10478 Intro to University Writing 1
Lecture W 1600 - 1850 S 232 Inglis, K
ENGL1100S26 10221 Intro to University Writing 1
Lecture F 1000 - 1250 S 134 Dearle, R
ENGL1202L11 11744 Read & Write Select. Topics 2
Lecture T 1600 - 1850 L 2025 Hickman-Barr, M
ENGL1202R10 10270 Read & Write Select. Topics 1
Lecture W 1000 - 1250 R 1820 Pervez, S
ENGL1202S10 10514 Read & Write Select. Topics 2
Lecture F 1000 - 1250 S 122 Williams, J
ENGL1202S50 11191 Read & Write Select. Topics 1
Lecture W 1900 - 2150 S 336 Williams, J
ENGL1204L10 10373 Read & Write about Genre:Intro 2
Lecture MW 1000 - 1120 L 2025 Buirs, B
ENGL1204L11 11159 Read & Write about Genre:Intro 1
Lecture MW 1300 - 1420 L 2025 Buirs, B
ENGL1204R50 11164 Read & Write about Genre:Intro 3
Lecture W 1900 - 2150 R 2725 Doyle, K
ENGL1204S46 11185 Read & Write about Genre:Intro 3
Lecture M 1600 - 1850 S 136 Smith, W
ENGL2301R10 11833 Canadian Lit in English 9
Lecture R 1600 - 1850 R 3850 Boyd, S
ENGL2309S10 11182 Literature of the USA 14
Lecture W 1600 - 1850 S 136 Kozak, R
ENGL2316L10 10826 English Lit: 14th-18th Cent. 20
Lecture TR 1300 - 1420 L 2590 Tyndall, P
ENGL3317S10 11821 Readings in History of Ideas 8
Lecture T 1600 - 1850 S 136 Bartlett, A
ENGL3390S10 12132 Indigenous Narratives 10
Lecture MW 1000 - 1120 S 146 Martell, C
ENGL4400S10 11824 Engl. Studies & the Classroom 1
Lecture R 1000 - 1250 S 122 Cairns, S
ENGQ1096R10 10799 University Writing Workshop 10
Lecture M 1600 - 1750 R 2630 Brown, M
ENGQ1096S10 10800 University Writing Workshop 6
Lecture F 1200 - 1350 S 3065 McGoff Dean, C
ENGQ1097R10 10302 Writing Skills-Focus:Sentence 1
Lecture/Laboratory MR 1400 - 1550 R 2630 Stanwood, I
ENGQ1098R75 10308 Writing Skills-Focus Paragraph 2
Partially Online - R ONLINE Webster, J
Partially Online R 1600 - 1850 R 2630 Webster, J
ENGQ1098S11 10390 Writing Skills-Focus Paragraph 2
Lecture TR 1200 - 1350 S 1015 Wrench, D
ENGQ1098S12 10391 Writing Skills-Focus Paragraph 2
Lecture R 1600 - 1850 S 3015 Franz, M
ENGQ1099A80 10867 Writing Skills with Readings 1
Online - A ONLINE Webster, J
ENGQ1099A81 12217 Writing Skills with Readings 1
Online - A ONLINE Webster, J
ENGQ1099L11 11068 Writing Skills with Readings 2
Lecture T 1300 - 1550 L 2025 Schoenberger, S
ENGQ1099L12 11064 Writing Skills with Readings 2
Lecture T 1600 - 1850 L 2585 Innes, V
ENGQ1099R13 12226 Writing Skills with Readings 1
Lecture W 1300 - 1550 R 2435 Scott, K
ENGQ1099R25 10250 Writing Skills with Readings 1
Lecture MW 0830 - 0950 R 2725 Larsen, K
ENGQ1099R29 11827 Writing Skills with Readings 1
Lecture TR 1430 - 1550 R 2515 Cyr, H
ENGQ1099S16 10869 Writing Skills with Readings 1
Lecture WF 1400 - 1550 S 1015 Lee, S
ENGQ1099S20 12229 Writing Skills with Readings 1
Lecture T 1600 - 1850 S 232 Smith, W
ENGQ1099S28 11815 Writing Skills with Readings 1
Lecture MW 1430 - 1550 S 122 Cyr, H
ENGQ1099S50 10443 Writing Skills with Readings 1
Lecture R 1900 - 2150 S 142 Cochrane, M
ENGQ1099S95 11971 Writing Skills with Readings 1
Lecture S 1000 - 1250 S 3065 Mendes, H
ENTR3000R95 11965 Advanced Prof. Busi. Comm. 2
Lecture S 0900 - 1150 R 2530 D'Angelo, M
ENTR3000S11 12193 Advanced Prof. Busi. Comm. 4
Lecture F 1300 - 1550 S 118 Maultsaid, D
ENTR3110R10 10758 Advncd Organization Behaviour 10
Lecture T 1600 - 1850 R 2530 Williams, A
ENTR3110S50 11664 Advncd Organization Behaviour 7
Lecture M 1900 - 2150 S 132 Williams, A
ENTR3120R10 10749 Managerial Accounting 6
Lecture W 1600 - 1850 R 1840 Low, H
ENTR3130S50 10760 Production & Operations Manage 10
Lecture T 1900 - 2150 S 120 Anderson, B
ENTR3130S51 11690 Production & Operations Manage 8
Lecture M 1900 - 2150 S 118 Anderson, B
ENTR3140R50 10750 Entrepreneurial Marketing 6
Lecture R 1900 - 2150 R 2530 Anderson, B
ENTR3140S10 10761 Entrepreneurial Marketing 1
Lecture M 1600 - 1850 S 118 Dhaliwal, H
ENTR3140S50 11313 Entrepreneurial Marketing 1
Lecture T 1900 - 2150 S 3414 Owczarczyk, E
ENTR3150R51 12195 Business Economics 5
Lecture T 1900 - 2150 R 2510 Ghosh, S
ENTR3150S10 10762 Business Economics 5
Lecture T 1600 - 1850 S 3040 Roberts, N
ENTR3150S50 11314 Business Economics 20
Lecture W 1900 - 2150 S 120 Roberts, N
ENTR3160R10 10752 Information Tech. for Business 1
Lecture M 1600 - 1850 R 1330 Machado, M
ENTR3160S10 11316 Information Tech. for Business 3
Lecture R 1600 - 1850 S 134 Wood, R
ENTR3170R50 10753 Entrepreneurial Finance 6
Lecture T 1900 - 2150 R 2530 Chow, B
ENTR4110A75 11662 Business Leadership 1
Online F 1900 - 2150 A 1050 Tuason, I
Online - A ONLINE Tuason, I
ENTR4110R50 10755 Business Leadership 1
Lecture M 1900 - 2150 R 2530 Smith, L
ENTR4120S10 10764 Human Resource Management 13
Lecture W 1600 - 1850 S 118 Radcliffe, D
ENTR4140R10 11331 Entrepreneurial Sales 19
Lecture W 1600 - 1850 R 2530 Dhaliwal, H
ENTR4140S50 10765 Entrepreneurial Sales 17
Lecture R 1900 - 2150 S 118 Calao, C
ENTR4200S50 10766 Business Strategy 11
Lecture T 1900 - 2150 S 118 Cheema, C
ENTR4250S10 10884 Entr Leadership Practicum 7
Lecture TR 1600 - 1850 S 118 Cheema, C
ENTR4300R50 10757 Entr Mgnt for Srvce Comp. 20
Lecture R 1900 - 2150 R 1330 Ho, P
ENVI1206L40 10472 Environmental Chemistry II 9
Lecture M 0900 - 1150 L 1345 Indurugalla, D
Lecture T 1400 - 1550 L 2130 Indurugalla, D
Lecture R 1200 - 1350 L 2130 Indurugalla, D
ENVI1216L40 11090 Intro to Earth Science 11
Lecture/Laboratory F 0900 - 1650 L 1310 Martin, J
ENVI2315L40 11091 Water And Soil Sampling 10
Lecture/Laboratory W 1500 - 1650 L 2130 Hauta, C
Lecture/Laboratory W 1200 - 1450 L 1345 Hauta, C
Lecture/Laboratory W 0900 - 1050 L 2130 Hauta, C
ENVI3112S10 11809 Environmental & Society 21
Lecture T 1600 - 1850 S 142 Frank, A
EXCHAU01OF1 12145 Exchange to CQUni 9
Exchange (study abroad) - F OFFCAMPUS
EXCHAU02OF1 12187 Exchange to ECU 10
Exchange (study abroad) - F OFFCAMPUS
EXCHAU03OF1 12189 Exchange to RMIT 9
Exchange (study abroad) - F OFFCAMPUS
EXCHES01OF1 12147 CONAHEC Exchange to UPV 10
Exchange (study abroad) - F OFFCAMPUS
EXCHFI02OF1 12146 Exchange to Metropolia UoAS 6
Exchange (study abroad) - F OFFCAMPUS
EXCHFR01OF1 12188 Exchange to Inseec 9
Exchange (study abroad) - F OFFCAMPUS
EXCHGB01OF1 12148 Exchange to UCA 9
Exchange (study abroad) - F OFFCAMPUS
EXCHGB01OF2 12149 Exchange to UCA 8
Exchange (study abroad) - F OFFCAMPUS
EXCHGB01OF3 12150 Exchange to UCA 9
Exchange (study abroad) - F OFFCAMPUS
EXCHGB02OF1 12151 Exchange to UCLAN 9
Exchange (study abroad) - F OFFCAMPUS
EXCHNZ01OF1 12203 Exchange to Unitec 8
Exchange (study abroad) - F OFFCAMPUS
EXCHTW01OF1 12190 Exchange to Shih Chien 9
Exchange (study abroad) - F OFFCAMPUS
FASN1205R10 11487 Computer Applic. for Fashion 1
Lecture T 0830 - 1220 R 3420 Diaz, A
FASN1215R10 11489 Textile Science 2
Lecture M 1230 - 1420 R 3090 Shi, L
Lecture R 0930 - 1120 R 3090 Shi, L
FASN1215R11 11490 Textile Science 4
Lecture M 0930 - 1120 R 3090 Shi, L
Lecture R 1230 - 1420 R 3090 Shi, L
FASN1220R10 11491 Production Basics lI 1
Lecture/Laboratory R 1230 - 1520 R 2135 Pollard, L
Lecture/Laboratory W 0830 - 1150 R 2135 Pollard, L
Lecture/Laboratory W 0830 - 1150 R 2120 Pollard, L
Lecture/Laboratory W 1300 - 1620 R 2135 Pollard, L
Lecture/Laboratory W 1300 - 1620 R 2120 Pollard, L
FASN1220R11 11492 Production Basics lI 1
Lecture/Laboratory T 0830 - 1150 R 2120 Pollard, L
Lecture/Laboratory T 0830 - 1150 R 2135 Pollard, L
Lecture/Laboratory R 0830 - 1120 R 2135 Pollard, L
Lecture/Laboratory T 1300 - 1620 R 2135 Pollard, L
Lecture/Laboratory T 1300 - 1620 R 2120 Pollard, L
FASN1230R10 11493 Fashion Drawing I 1
Lecture/Laboratory M 0830 - 1120 R 3420 Lee, S
FASN1230R11 11494 Fashion Drawing I 1
Lecture/Laboratory W 0830 - 1120 R 3420 Lee, S
FASN2200R10 11495 Fashion Design & Drawing II 1
Lecture R 1230 - 1620 R 3420 Lee, S
Lecture M 1300 - 1650 R 3420 Lee, S
FASN2200R11 11496 Fashion Design & Drawing II 2
Lecture M 1300 - 1650 R 3420 Lee, S
Lecture R 1230 - 1620 R 3420 Lee, S
FASN2220R11 11498 Drafting & Sewing IV 3
Lecture/Laboratory F 0900 - 1150 R 2120 Goundrey, A
Lecture/Laboratory F 0900 - 1150 R 2135 Goundrey, A
Lecture/Laboratory W 1300 - 1550 R 2060 Goundrey, A
Lecture/Laboratory W 1300 - 1550 R 2110 Goundrey, A
Lecture/Laboratory W 0900 - 1150 R 2060 Goundrey, A
Lecture/Laboratory W 0900 - 1150 R 2110 Goundrey, A
Lecture/Laboratory F 1300 - 1550 R 2120 Goundrey, A
Lecture/Laboratory F 1300 - 1550 R 2135 Goundrey, A
FASN2240R10 11499 Cmptr-Based Pattern Drafting 1
Lecture/Laboratory M 0900 - 1020 R 2075 Lee, J
Lecture/Laboratory R 1100 - 1220 R 2075 Lee, J
FASN2240R11 11500 Cmptr-Based Pattern Drafting 1
Lecture/Laboratory R 0900 - 1020 R 2075 Lee, J
Lecture/Laboratory M 1100 - 1220 R 2075 Lee, J
FASN3200R10 11501 Product Development 2
Lecture T 0930 - 1220 R 2075 Calla, S
Lecture T 0930 - 1220 R 2125 Calla, S
Lecture T 1300 - 1550 R 2075 Calla, S
Lecture T 1300 - 1550 R 2125 Calla, S
FASN3200R11 11502 Product Development 4
Lecture T 1300 - 1550 R 2075 Calla, S
Lecture T 1300 - 1550 R 2125 Calla, S
Lecture T 0930 - 1220 R 2075 Calla, S
Lecture T 0930 - 1220 R 2125 Calla, S
FASN3250R11 11504 Fashion Industry Internship 6
Work Experience - F OFFCAMPUS Calla, S
FASN4210R11 11506 FASN Event Promotion 2
Lecture F 0900 - 1120 R 3070 Fors, V
Lecture F 0900 - 1120 R 2075 Fors, V
Lecture F 0900 - 1120 R 3420 Fors, V
Lecture W 0900 - 1120 R 2125 Fors, V
Lecture W 0900 - 1120 R 2075 Fors, V
FASN4220R10 11507 Collection Production 1
Lecture M 1230 - 1520 R 2120 Agostino, C
Lecture M 1230 - 1520 R 3070 Agostino, C
Lecture R 0830 - 1120 R 3070 Agostino, C
Lecture R 0830 - 1120 R 2120 Agostino, C
Lecture M 0830 - 1120 R 2135 Agostino, C
Lecture M 0830 - 1120 R 2120 Agostino, C
Lecture M 0830 - 1120 R 3070 Agostino, C
Lecture M 1230 - 1520 R 2135 Agostino, C
Lecture R 1230 - 1520 R 2075 Agostino, C
Lecture R 1230 - 1520 R 2120 Agostino, C
FASN4220R11 11508 Collection Production 1
Lecture M 0830 - 1120 R 3070 Bishop, T
Lecture M 0830 - 1120 R 2060 Bishop, T
Lecture M 0830 - 1120 R 2110 Bishop, T
Lecture R 0830 - 1120 R 2060 Bishop, T
Lecture R 0830 - 1120 R 2110 Bishop, T
Lecture R 1230 - 1520 R 2075 Bishop, T
Lecture M 1230 - 1520 R 2060 Bishop, T
Lecture M 1230 - 1520 R 2110 Bishop, T
Lecture M 1230 - 1520 R 3070 Bishop, T
Lecture R 1230 - 1520 R 2110 Bishop, T
Lecture R 1230 - 1520 R 2060 Bishop, T
Lecture R 0830 - 1120 R 3070 Bishop, T
FINA1100S10 10118 Introduction to Drawing 1
Lecture T 1600 - 1850 S 210 Aitken, S
FINA1110S10 10142 Introduction to Painting 2
Lecture M 1000 - 1250 S 214 Barnes, E
FINA1131S10 10147 Sculpture I 2
Lecture M 1000 - 1250 S 146 MacTaggart, A
FINA1142S12 12041 Introduction to Print Media 1
Lecture F 1000 - 1250 S 152 Brabant Johnstone, N
FINA1230S10 10218 Ceramics II 7
Lecture WF 1400 - 1550 S 138 Lloyd, D
FINA1231S10 10258 Sculpture II 4 1
Lecture R 1000 - 1250 S 146 Anderson, K
FINA1270S10 10835 Photography II 1
Lecture T 1000 - 1250 S 130 Wu, K
FINA2300S10 10409 Advanced Drawing I 9 5
Lecture W 1300 - 1550 S 210 Gelineau, R
FINA2310S10 10411 Advanced Paint. Studio I 9 3
Lecture R 1300 - 1550 S 214 Gelineau, R
FINA2330S10 10412 Ceramics III 8 3
Lecture WF 0800 - 0950 S 138 Lloyd, D
FINA2331S10 10416 Sculpture III 14 1
Lecture R 1000 - 1250 S 146 Anderson, K
FINA2400S10 10424 Advanced Drawing II 16 5
Lecture W 1300 - 1550 S 210 Gelineau, R
FINA2410S10 10425 Advanced Paint. Studio II 14 3
Lecture R 1300 - 1550 S 214 Gelineau, R
FINA2430S10 10836 Ceramics IV 10 3
Lecture WF 0800 - 0950 S 138 Lloyd, D
FINA2431S10 10426 Sculpture IV 13 1
Lecture R 1000 - 1250 S 146 Anderson, K
FINA3135S10 11327 Adv Dgtl Media: Open Studio 1 10 1
Lecture R 1000 - 1250 S 152 McBride, S
FINA3235S10 12116 Adv Dgtl Media: Open Studio 2 6 1
Lecture R 1000 - 1250 S 152 McBride, S
FINA4300C10 11321 Adv. Open Studio & Thesis I 9 3
Lecture F 1000 - 1550 C 210 Anderson, K
Lecture F 1000 - 1550 C 1843 Anderson, K
FINA4400C10 11322 Adv. Open Studio & Thesis II 9 3
Lecture F 1000 - 1550 C 210 Anderson, K
Lecture F 1000 - 1550 C 1843 Anderson, K
FIND1150R12 12092 Designing for Humanity 5
Lecture R 1300 - 1650 R 3010 Bennett, P
FIND1200R11 11627 Two-Dimensional Design 1
Lecture R 0800 - 1150 R 3020 Davies, D
FIND1210R10 11628 Three-Dimensional Design 6
Lecture T 0800 - 1150 R 3010 Davies, D
FIND1210R11 11629 Three-Dimensional Design 1
Lecture W 0800 - 1150 R 3010 Davies, D
FIND1210R12 12093 Three-Dimensional Design 6
Lecture W 0800 - 1150 R 3020 Ju, S
FIND1220R10 11630 Interdiscipl. Design Hist. II 3
Lecture T 1300 - 1650 R 3020 Ashenhurst, E
FIND1220R11 12094 Interdiscipl. Design Hist. II 6
Lecture W 1300 - 1650 R 3090 Damon, M
FMRK1205R10 11509 Visual Comm for Fashion Mktg 8
Lecture F 0900 - 1250 R 2125 Pope, M
FMRK1215R10 11510 Textile Science 4
Lecture T 1230 - 1420 R 3070 Shi, L
Lecture T 1230 - 1420 R 3090 Shi, L
Lecture R 1530 - 1720 R 3070 Shi, L
Lecture R 1530 - 1720 R 3090 Shi, L
FMRK1250R10 11511 Fashion and Consumers 5
Lecture T 1530 - 1920 R 3090 Greeno, S
Lecture T 1530 - 1920 R 3070 Greeno, S
FMRK2205R10 11512 Fashion Buying 7
Lecture M 1600 - 1900 R 2125 Norbraten, C
FMRK2215R10 12097 Fashion Events and Promotions 9
Lecture W 0900 - 1250 R 3070 Pope, M
FMRK2240R10 11513 Fashion Marketing Work Exp 7
Lecture M 1200 - 1450 R 2125 Calla, S
Lecture M 1300 - 1450 R 2075 Calla, S
FNSR3350S10 10834 Securities Analysis 27
Lecture T 1600 - 1850 S 130 Shandler, L
FREN1100S01 10052 French for Beginners I 1
Conversation T 1000 - 1040 S 2055 Karsenti, P
FREN1101R01 11704 French For Beginners II 1
Conversation T 1600 - 1640 R 2425 Clarinval, O
FREN1101R03 11706 French For Beginners II 3
Conversation T 1730 - 1810 R 2425 Clarinval, O
FREN1101R10 11703 French For Beginners II 4
Lecture TR 1430 - 1550 R 2505 Clarinval, O
FREN1101S02 10059 French For Beginners II 1
Conversation T 1300 - 1340 S 2055 Karsenti, P
FREN1101S03 10060 French For Beginners II 7
Conversation T 1345 - 1425 S 2055 Karsenti, P
FREN1101S10 10057 French For Beginners II 8
Lecture TR 1000 - 1120 S 2060 Karsenti, P
FREN2201R03 11780 Intermediate French II 1
Conversation T 1430 - 1510 R 2425 Clarinval, O
FREN2201R10 11777 Intermediate French II 1
Lecture TR 1130 - 1250 R 2505 Clarinval, O
FREN3301R10 11215 Upper Intermediate French II 2
Lecture M 1600 - 1850 R 2505 Clarinval, O