Spring 2012 seat availability at Kwantlen (M-N)


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Seat Availability

A-B | C-D | E-F | G-L | M-N | O-Z

Term: 201210
Last updated: 16-JAN-2012 07:45 PM

Subj Section CRN Title Seats Avail Xlist Seats Avail
  Schedule Type Days Begin - End Location Instructor
MAND1101 R01 11800 Beginner Mandarin II 2  
  Conversation W 0830 - 0910 R 2425 Qu, Y
MAND1101 R10 11271 Beginner Mandarin II 2  
  Lecture MW 1000 - 1120 R 2505 Qu, Y
MAND2201 R01 11273 Intermediate Mandarin II 3  
  Conversation W 0915 - 0955 R 2425 Qu, Y
MAND2201 R10 11272 Intermediate Mandarin II 3  
  Lecture MW 1130 - 1250 R 2505 Qu, Y
MAND3311 R10 11276 MAND Reading and Writing II 3  
  Lecture F 1000 - 1250 R 2505 Qu, Y
MATH1112 R12 10342 Pre-Calculus Algebra 1  
  Lecture TR 1600 - 1750 R 3465 Novocelskii, S
MATH1112 S10 10322 Pre-Calculus Algebra 1  
  Lecture TF 0800 - 0950 S 120 Hammill, L
MATH1112 S12 10325 Pre-Calculus Algebra 4  
  Lecture T 1400 - 1550 S 3412 Wong, F
  Lecture R 1200 - 1350 S 3412 Wong, F
MATH1112 S50 10327 Pre-Calculus Algebra 5  
  Lecture MW 1800 - 1950 S 3412 Marinescu, D
MATH1115 L40 10343 Statistics I 4  
  Lecture TR 1600 - 1750 L 2590 Rozell, A
MATH1115 R10 11774 Statistics I 1  
  Lecture TR 1600 - 1750 R 3310 Bicep, J
MATH1115 S10 10328 Statistics I 1  
  Lecture TR 1000 - 1150 S 120 McConill, C
MATH1116 S10 11076 Mathematical Explorations 21  
  Lecture TR 1000 - 1120 S 3412 Hammill, L
MATH1120 R11 10346 Differential Calculus 3  
  Lecture MW 1000 - 1150 R 3465 Hofstedt, T
MATH1140 S10 10334 Calculus I (Business Applic.) 1  
  Lecture TF 1200 - 1350 S 3412 Nyenhuis, M
MATH1190 R10 10350 Math. For Elem. School Teacher 15  
  Lecture TF 1200 - 1350 R 3465 Novocelskii, S
MATH1190 S50 10339 Math. For Elem. School Teacher 1  
  Lecture TR 1900 - 2050 S 336 O'Brien, P
MATH1220 R10 10351 Integral Calculus 13  
  Lecture MW 1600 - 1750 R 3465 Hofstedt, T
MATH2232 S10 10337 Linear Algebra 11  
  Lecture TF 0800 - 0950 S 3412 McConill, C
MATH2315 S10 11079 Probability And Statistics 17  
  Lecture F 1000 - 1150 S 336 MacLeod, C
  Lecture W 0800 - 0950 S 336 MacLeod, C
MATH2331 S10 11775 Introduction to Analysis 21 21  
  Guided Study F 1400 - 1750 S 132 Inglis, J
MATH2341 R50 10353 Intro to Stats for Business 10  
  Lecture TR 1900 - 2050 R 3850 Bicep, J
MATH2341 S10 10338 Intro to Stats for Business 24  
  Lecture MR 0800 - 0950 S 3412 MacLeod, C
MATH3322 S50 11081 Vector Calculus (Calc IV) 21  
  Lecture TR 1800 - 1950 S 132 Inglis, J
MATH4190 S10 11776 Intro to Point-Set Topology 35 21  
  Guided Study F 1400 - 1750 S 132 Inglis, J
MATQ1091 R10 10319 Basic Mathematics 1  
  Lecture TF 1200 - 1350 R 3450 Rapa, A
MATQ1091 S74 10392 Basic Mathematics 3  
  Partially Online   - S ONLINE Boboricken, T
  Partially Online M 1600 - 1850 S 146 Boboricken, T
MATQ1092 S10 10393 Introductory Algebra 1  
  Lecture TR 0830 - 0950 S 3065 Brooks, I
MATQ1093 R10 11034 Intermediate Algebra 17  
  Lecture R 1200 - 1350 R 3850 Hofstedt, T
  Lecture T 1400 - 1550 R 3850 Hofstedt, T
MATQ1093 S10 11035 Intermediate Algebra 7  
  Lecture WF 1400 - 1550 S 3412 O'Brien, P
MATQ1093 S11 11036 Intermediate Algebra 20  
  Lecture MW 1000 - 1150 S 3412 Wong, F
MATQ1099 R12 11967 Qualifying Studies Math 1  
  Lecture MR 1400 - 1550 R 3450 Rapa, A
MATQ1099 S12 10415 Qualifying Studies Math 3  
  Lecture M 1600 - 1850 S 3015 Dean, G
MRKT1199 L10 10771 Introduction to Marketing 1  
  Lecture M 1600 - 1850 L 1650 Wallace, K
MRKT1199 L12 11754 Introduction to Marketing 1  
  Lecture W 1000 - 1250 L 2135 Owczarczyk, E
MRKT1199 L14 11976 Introduction to Marketing 3  
  Lecture R 1300 - 1550 L 2135 Owczarczyk, E
MRKT1199 R10 10777 Introduction to Marketing 1  
  Lecture M 1000 - 1250 R 2225 Renwick, K
MRKT1199 R50 11982 Introduction to Marketing 3  
  Lecture R 1900 - 2150 R 2225 Leach, R
MRKT1199 R51 11981 Introduction to Marketing 1  
  Lecture R 1900 - 2150 R 3650 Singh, R
MRKT1199 R52 10782 Introduction to Marketing 2  
  Lecture W 1900 - 2150 R 2225 Dhaliwal, H
MRKT1199 S11 10789 Introduction to Marketing 2  
  Lecture M 1600 - 1850 S 3045 Tracey, D
MRKT1199 S13 11983 Introduction to Marketing 1  
  Lecture T 1300 - 1550 S 3045 Owczarczyk, E
MRKT1199 S18 11986 Introduction to Marketing 1  
  Lecture R 1300 - 1550 S 2424 Singh, R
MRKT1235 L10 10776 Small Business Essentials 1  
  Lecture W 1000 - 1250 L 1305 Raza, I
MRKT1235 R11 11987 Small Business Essentials 1  
  Lecture W 1000 - 1250 R 2225 Perera, N
MRKT1299 R50 11388 Consumer Behaviour 1  
  Lecture M 1900 - 2150 R 2225 Singh, R
MRKT1299 S11 10915 Consumer Behaviour 1  
  Lecture R 1600 - 1850 S 204 Raza, I
MRKT1299 S50 12216 Consumer Behaviour 12  
  Lecture M 1900 - 2150 S 3045 Dhaliwal, H
MRKT2333 L10 11021 Marketing Management I 19  
  Lecture R 1600 - 1850 L 2135 Renwick, K
MRKT2333 R10 10795 Marketing Management I 7  
  Lecture W 1300 - 1550 R 3080 Renwick, K
MRKT2340 L50 10916 Marketing Research 18  
  Lecture M 1900 - 2150 L 2045 Leach, R
MRKT2360 R10 10914 Selling And Sales Management 1  
  Lecture R 1600 - 1850 R 3080 Simon, R
MRKT2360 S10 10786 Selling And Sales Management 3  
  Lecture W 1300 - 1550 S 3045 Simon, R
MRKT2401 L10 11389 Advertising 15  
  Lecture W 1600 - 1850 L 2045 Leach, R
MRKT2401 R10 12121 Advertising 15  
  Lecture R 1600 - 1850 R 2225 Leach, R
MRKT2444 R10 11988 Marketing Management II 13  
  Lecture T 1600 - 1850 R 2225 Browne, P
MRKT3211 S50 11023 Managing Communication Process 13  
  Lecture W 1900 - 2150 S 2060 Browne, P
MRKT3240 S10 11989 Marketing Information Mgmt 20  
  Lecture R 1600 - 1850 S 3045 Fawcett, D
MRKT3311 R10 11024 Marketing in a Digital World 21  
  Lecture M 1600 - 1700 R 2225 Ip, P
  Lecture M 1700 - 1850 R 3070 Ip, P
MRKT4160 S50 11390 Business Development 23  
  Lecture T 1900 - 2150 S 3045 Ho, P
MRKT4177 R10 11990 Contemporary Issues in MRKT 23  
  Lecture T 0800 - 1150 R 2225 Wallace, K
MRKT4201 S50 11991 Integrated Mrkt Communication 27  
  Lecture W 1900 - 2150 S 134 Simon, R
MRKT4330 S50 11992 Marketing BBA Practicum 25  
  Lecture MW 1900 - 2150 S 122 Leigh, C
MUSI1018 L50 10516 Kwantlen Wind Ensemble I 60 27  
  Lecture/Laboratory T 1630 - 1820 L 1270 Jeffrey, W
  Lecture/Laboratory R 1830 - 2120 L 1270 Jeffrey, W
MUSI1019 L50 10568 Kwantlen Chorus I 60 26  
  Work Experience R 1600 - 1750 L 1270 Suderman, G
  Work Experience T 1900 - 2150 L 1270 Suderman, G
MUSI1028 L50 10575 Kwantlen Wind Ensemble II 52 27  
  Lab Course T 1630 - 1820 L 1270 Jeffrey, W
  Lab Course R 1830 - 2120 L 1270 Jeffrey, W
MUSI1029 L50 10577 Chorus II 53 26  
  Lab Course R 1600 - 1750 L 1270 Suderman, G
  Lab Course T 1900 - 2150 L 1270 Suderman, G
MUSI1041 L10 10579 Cert.Guitar Chamber Ensemble I 19 10  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 2080 Hlus, D
MUSI1042 L10 10580 Cert.Piano Chmbr Ensemble I 20 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1230 Hayes, J
MUSI1043 L10 10894 Cert. Percussion Ensemble I 16 9  
  Lab Course F 1200 - 1350 L 1270 Caldwell, R
MUSI1044 L10 10581 Cert.Woodwind Chamber Ensemb.I 20 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1235 Chernoff, M
MUSI1045 L10 10582 Certi.Brass Chamber Ensemble 19 11  
  Lab Course F 1200 - 1350 L 1230 Shorthouse, T
MUSI1046 L10 10583 Certi.Voc Ensemble I:Jazz/Madr 20 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1270 Suderman, G
MUSI1047 L10 10584 Certificate Jazz Band I 19 5  
  Lab Course W 1600 - 1750 L 1270 Shorthouse, T
MUSI1048 L50 10585 Certificate Jazz Combo I 18 15  
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1235 Ryga, C
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1270 Ryga, C
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1270 Ryga, C
MUSI1051 L10 10588 Certi.Guitar Chmbr Ensemble II 18 10  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 2080 Hlus, D
MUSI1052 L10 10589 Certi.Piano Chmbr Ensemble II 20 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1230 Hayes, J
MUSI1053 L10 10895 Cert.Percussion Ensemble II 20 9  
  Lab Course F 1200 - 1350 L 1270 Caldwell, R
MUSI1054 L10 10590 Cert.Woodwind Chmbr Ensmble II 18 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1235 Chernoff, M
MUSI1055 L10 10591 Certi.Brass Chmbr Ensemble II 17 11  
  Lab Course F 1200 - 1350 L 1230 Shorthouse, T
MUSI1056 L10 10592 Certi.Vocal Enmble II:Jazz/Mad 20 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1270 Suderman, G
MUSI1057 L10 10593 Certificate Jazz Band II 17 5  
  Lab Course W 1600 - 1750 L 1270 Shorthouse, T
MUSI1058 L50 10594 Certificate Jazz Combo II 20 15  
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1235 Ryga, C
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1270 Ryga, C
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1270 Ryga, C
MUSI1105 L10 12044 Major Instrument-Foundation I 82 12  
  Laboratory   - L Skoumal, Z
MUSI1155 L20 11773 Secondary Instrument - I 75 67  
  Guided Study   - L Skoumal, Z
MUSI1156 L20 12049 Major Inst - Performance I 82 12  
  Laboratory   - L Skoumal, Z
MUSI1157 L20 10607 Major Inst-Concentration I 82 12  
  Studio   - L Skoumal, Z
MUSI1165 L20 10596 Major Instr. Secondary Lev. I 82 12  
  Lab Course   - L Skoumal, Z
MUSI1168 L50 12045 Wind Ensemble I 59 27  
  Lecture R 1830 - 2120 L 1270 Jeffrey, W
  Lecture T 1630 - 1820 L 1270 Jeffrey, W
MUSI1169 L50 10597 Kwantlen Chorus I 60 26  
  Work Experience T 1900 - 2150 L 1270 Suderman, G
  Work Experience R 1600 - 1750 L 1270 Suderman, G
MUSI1171 L20 10598 Guitar Chamber Ensemble I 20 10  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 2080 Hlus, D
MUSI1172 L20 10599 Piano Chamber Ensemble I 20 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1230 Hayes, J
MUSI1173 L20 10896 Percussion Ensemble I 19 9  
  Lab Course F 1200 - 1350 L 1270 Caldwell, R
MUSI1174 L20 10600 Woodwind Ensemble I 20 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1235 Chernoff, M
MUSI1175 L20 10601 Brass Ensemble I 19 11  
  Lab Course F 1200 - 1350 L 1230 Shorthouse, T
MUSI1177 L20 10603 Jazz Band I 19 5  
  Lab Course W 1600 - 1750 L 1270 Shorthouse, T
MUSI1178 L50 10604 Jazz Combo I 19 15  
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1235 Ryga, C
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1270 Ryga, C
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1270 Ryga, C
MUSI1181 L20 12050 Kwantlen Chamber Singers I 24 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1270 Suderman, G
MUSI1200 L10 12098 Rudiments of Music II 19  
  Lecture W 0800 - 1100 L 1230 Greene, T
  Lecture MW 1000 - 1150 L 1230 Greene, T
MUSI1201 L10 12071 Aural and Rhythm Training II 10  
  Lecture/Laboratory MW 0900 - 0950 L 1230 Stiles, A
  Lecture/Laboratory R 1200 - 1350 L 1230 Stiles, A
  Lecture/Laboratory R 0800 - 1100 L 1230 Stiles, A
MUSI1203 L10 12072 Listening to Music II 19  
  Lecture M 1600 - 1850 L 2080 Jeffrey, W
  Lecture M 1500 - 1800 L 2080 Jeffrey, W
MUSI1205 L10 12053 Major Instrument-Foundation II 65 12  
  Laboratory   - L Skoumal, Z
MUSI1250 L20 11544 The Language of Music II 12  
  Lecture/Studio TR 1000 - 1150 L 2080 Stiles, A
MUSI1251 L20 11545 Aural Musicianship II 9  
  Lecture F 1000 - 1150 L 2080 Skoumal, Z
  Lecture W 0800 - 0950 L 2080 Skoumal, Z
MUSI1251 L21 11546 Aural Musicianship II 10  
  Lecture MR 0800 - 0950 L 2080 Skoumal, Z
MUSI1253 L20 11547 History of Music II: 1600-1800 18  
  Lecture R 1400 - 1550 L 2080 Lamberton, E
  Lecture M 1200 - 1350 L 2080 Lamberton, E
MUSI1254 L20 11548 Keyboard Skills II 4  
  Lecture W 1100 - 1150 L 1201 Hayes, J
  Lecture M 1000 - 1150 L 1201 Hayes, J
MUSI1255 L20 12052 Secondary Instrument - II 72 67  
  Laboratory   - L Skoumal, Z
MUSI1256 L20 10606 Major Inst - Performance II 78 12  
  Studio   - L Skoumal, Z
MUSI1257 L20 10772 Major Inst-Concentration II 69 12  
  Studio   - L Skoumal, Z
MUSI1265 L20 10608 Major Instr.Secondary Lev. II 82 12  
  Studio   - L Skoumal, Z
MUSI1268 L50 12054 Wind Ensemble II 54 27  
  Lecture T 1630 - 1820 L 1270 Jeffrey, W
  Lecture R 1830 - 2120 L 1270 Jeffrey, W
MUSI1269 L50 10609 Kwantlen Chorus II 50 26  
  Studio R 1600 - 1750 L 1270 Suderman, G
  Studio T 1900 - 2150 L 1270 Suderman, G
MUSI1271 L20 10610 Guitar Chamber Ensemble II 20 10  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 2080 Hlus, D
MUSI1272 L20 10611 Piano Chamber Ensemble II 18 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1230 Hayes, J
MUSI1273 L20 10897 Percussion Ensemble II 19 9  
  Lab Course F 1200 - 1350 L 1270 Caldwell, R
MUSI1274 L20 10612 Woodwind Ensemble II 19 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1235 Chernoff, M
MUSI1275 L20 10613 Brass Ensemble II 18 11  
  Lab Course F 1200 - 1350 L 1230 Shorthouse, T
MUSI1277 L20 10615 Jazz Band II 18 5  
  Lab Course W 1600 - 1750 L 1270 Shorthouse, T
MUSI1278 L50 10616 Jazz Combo II 20 15  
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1235 Ryga, C
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1270 Ryga, C
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1270 Ryga, C
MUSI1281 L20 12055 Kwantlen Chamber Singers II 16 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1270 Suderman, G
MUSI2355 L20 10618 Secondary Instrument - III 74 67  
  Lecture   - L Skoumal, Z
MUSI2356 L20 10619 Major Inst - Performance III 82 12  
  Studio   - L Skoumal, Z
MUSI2357 L20 10620 Major Instr-Concentration III 81 12  
  Studio   - L Skoumal, Z
MUSI2365 L20 10621 Major Instr. Secondary Lev.III 82 12  
  Studio   - L Skoumal, Z
MUSI2368 L50 12056 Wind Ensemble III 60 27  
  Lecture T 1630 - 1820 L 1270 Jeffrey, W
  Lecture R 1830 - 2120 L 1270 Jeffrey, W
MUSI2369 L50 10622 Kwantlen Chorus III 60 26  
  Work Experience R 1600 - 1750 L 1270 Suderman, G
  Work Experience T 1900 - 2150 L 1270 Suderman, G
MUSI2371 L20 10623 Guitar Chamber Ensemb III 20 10  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 2080 Hlus, D
MUSI2372 L20 10624 Piano Chamber Ensemble lll 19 13  
  Lab/Work Simulation T 1200 - 1350 L 1230 Hayes, J
MUSI2373 L20 10898 Percussion Ensemble III 19 9  
  Lab Course F 1200 - 1350 L 1270 Caldwell, R
MUSI2374 L20 10625 Woodwind Ensemble III 18 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1235 Chernoff, M
MUSI2375 L20 10626 Brass Ensemble III 20 11  
  Lab Course F 1200 - 1350 L 1230 Shorthouse, T
MUSI2377 L20 10628 Jazz Band III 18 5  
  Lab Course W 1600 - 1750 L 1270 Shorthouse, T
MUSI2378 L50 10629 Jazz Combo III 19 15  
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1235 Ryga, C
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1270 Ryga, C
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1270 Ryga, C
MUSI2381 L2O 12057 Kwantlen Chamber Singers III 23 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1270 Suderman, G
MUSI2451 L20 11551 Aural Musicianship IV 4  
  Lecture R 1200 - 1350 L 2080 Quong, M
  Lecture T 1400 - 1550 L 2080 Quong, M
MUSI2451 L21 11552 Aural Musicianship IV 8  
  Lecture MW 1000 - 1150 L 2080 Quong, M
MUSI2453 L20 11553 History of Music III 4  
  Lecture WF 1400 - 1550 L 2080 Lamberton, E
MUSI2454 L20 11554 Keyboard Skills IV 6  
  Lecture W 0900 - 0950 L 1201 Hayes, J
  Lecture M 1200 - 1350 L 1201 Hayes, J
MUSI2454 L21 12122 Keyboard Skills IV 9  
  Lecture W 0800 - 0850 L 1201 Hayes, J
  Lecture F 1000 - 1150 L 1201 Hayes, J
MUSI2455 L20 12058 Secondary Instrument - IV 71 67  
  Laboratory   - L Skoumal, Z
MUSI2456 L20 10631 Major Inst - Performance IV 78 12  
  Studio   - L Skoumal, Z
MUSI2457 L20 10632 Major Instr-Concentration IV 59 12  
  Studio   - L Skoumal, Z
MUSI2459 L20 12208 Lyric Diction II 9  
  Lecture M 1400 - 1552 L 1230 Throness, D
MUSI2465 L20 10633 Major Instr. Secondary Lev. IV 81 12  
  Studio   - L Skoumal, Z
MUSI2468 L50 12059 Wind Ensemble IV 46 27  
  Lecture T 1630 - 1820 L 1270 Jeffrey, W
  Lecture R 1830 - 2120 L 1270 Jeffrey, W
MUSI2469 L50 10634 Kwantlen Chorus IV 46 26  
  Work Experience T 1900 - 2150 L 1270 Suderman, G
  Work Experience R 1600 - 1750 L 1270 Suderman, G
MUSI2471 L20 10635 Guitar Chmbr Ensemble IV 17 10  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 2080 Hlus, D
MUSI2472 L20 10636 Piano Chamber Ensemble lV 16 13  
  Lab/Work Simulation T 1200 - 1350 L 1230 Hayes, J
MUSI2473 L20 10899 Percussion Ensemble IV 18 9  
  Lab Course F 1200 - 1350 L 1270 Caldwell, R
MUSI2474 L20 10637 Woodwind Ensemble IV 18 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1235 Chernoff, M
MUSI2475 L20 10638 Brass Ensemble IV 19 11  
  Lab Course F 1200 - 1350 L 1230 Shorthouse, T
MUSI2477 L20 10640 Jazz Band IV 15 5  
  Lab Course W 1600 - 1750 L 1270 Shorthouse, T
MUSI2478 L50 10641 Jazz Combo IV 19 15  
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1270 Ryga, C
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1235 Ryga, C
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1270 Ryga, C
MUSI2481 L20 12060 Kwantlen Chamber Singers IV 22 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1270 Suderman, G
MUSI3512 L20 12073 The Business of Music 18  
  Lecture TR 1400 - 1550 L 1230 Jeffrey, W
MUSI3568 L50 10643 Kwantlen Wind Ensemble V 60 27  
  Lecture R 1900 - 2150 L 1270 Jeffrey, W
  Lecture T 1630 - 1820 L 1270 Jeffrey, W
MUSI3569 L50 10654 Kwantlen Chorus V 59 26  
  Lecture T 1900 - 2150 L 1270 Suderman, G
  Lecture R 1600 - 1750 L 1270 Suderman, G
MUSI3571 L20 10645 Guitar Chmbr Ensemble V 20 10  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 2080 Hlus, D
MUSI3572 L20 10646 Piano Chmbr Ensemble V 20 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1230 Hayes, J
MUSI3573 L20 10900 Percussion Ensemble V 18 9  
  Lab Course F 1200 - 1350 L 1270 Caldwell, R
MUSI3574 L20 10647 Woodwind Ensemble V 20 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1235 Chernoff, M
MUSI3575 L20 10648 Brass Ensemble V 20 11  
  Lab Course F 1200 - 1350 L 1230 Shorthouse, T
MUSI3577 L20 10650 Jazz Band V 20 5  
  Lab Course W 1600 - 1750 L 1270 Shorthouse, T
MUSI3578 L50 10651 Jazz Combo V 20 15  
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1270 Ryga, C
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1270 Ryga, C
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1235 Ryga, C
MUSI3581 L20 12061 Kwantlen Chamber Singers V 24 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1270 Suderman, G
MUSI3650 L20 12074 The Language of Music VI 27  
  Lecture M 1600 - 1850 L 1230 Cook, S
MUSI3653 L50 12076 World Music 19  
  Lecture W 1900 - 2150 L 2080 Tones, D
  Lecture W 1900 - 2200 L 2080 Tones, D
MUSI3657 L20 12075 Major Instr-Concentration VI 75 12  
  Lab Course   - L Skoumal, Z
MUSI3668 L50 10653 Kwantlen Wind Ensemble VI 56 27  
  Lecture T 1630 - 1820 L 1270 Jeffrey, W
  Lecture R 1830 - 2120 L 1270 Jeffrey, W
MUSI3669 L50 10644 Kwantlen Chorus VI 58 26  
  Lecture T 1900 - 2150 L 1270 Suderman, G
  Lecture R 1600 - 1750 L 1270 Suderman, G
MUSI3671 L20 10655 Guitar Chamber Ensemble VI 17 10  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 2080 Hlus, D
MUSI3672 L20 10656 Piano Chamber Ensemble VI 20 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1230 Hayes, J
MUSI3673 L20 10901 Percussion Ensemble VI 20 9  
  Lab Course F 1200 - 1350 L 1270 Caldwell, R
MUSI3674 L20 10657 Woodwind Ensemble VI 20 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1235 Chernoff, M
MUSI3675 L20 10658 Brass Ensemble VI 19 11  
  Lab Course F 1200 - 1350 L 1230 Shorthouse, T
MUSI3677 L20 10660 Jazz Band VI 20 5  
  Lab Course W 1600 - 1750 L 1270 Shorthouse, T
MUSI3678 L50 10661 Jazz Combo VI 20 15  
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1270 Ryga, C
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1270 Ryga, C
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1235 Ryga, C
MUSI3681 L20 12062 Kwantlen Chamber Singers VI 24 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1270 Suderman, G
MUSI4768 L50 12077 Wind Ensemble VII 60 27  
  Lecture T 1630 - 1820 L 1270 Jeffrey, W
  Lecture R 1900 - 2150 L 1270 Jeffrey, W
MUSI4769 L50 12063 Kwantlen Chorus VII 60 26  
  Lecture T 1900 - 2150 L 1270 Suderman, G
  Lecture R 1600 - 1750 L 1270 Suderman, G
MUSI4771 L20 12064 Guitar Chamber Ensemble VII 20 10  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 2080 Hlus, D
MUSI4772 L20 12065 Piano Chamber Ensemble VII 20 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1230 Hayes, J
MUSI4773 L20 12066 Percussion Ensemble VII 20 9  
  Lab Course F 1200 - 1350 L 1270 Caldwell, R
MUSI4774 L20 12067 Woodwind Ensemble VII 20 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1235 Chernoff, M
MUSI4775 L20 12068 Brass Ensemble VII 20 11  
  Lab Course F 1200 - 1350 L 1230 Shorthouse, T
MUSI4777 L20 12069 Jazz Band VII 19 5  
  Lab Course W 1600 - 1750 L 1270 Shorthouse, T
MUSI4778 L50 12070 Jazz Combo VII 20 15  
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1235 Ryga, C
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1270 Ryga, C
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1270 Ryga, C
MUSI4781 L20 12078 Kwantlen Chamber Singers VII 24 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1270 Suderman, G
MUSI4868 L50 12079 Wind Ensemble VIII 60 27  
  Lecture T 1630 - 1820 L 1270 Jeffrey, W
  Lecture R 1830 - 2120 L 1270 Jeffrey, W
MUSI4869 L50 12080 Kwantlen Chorus VIII 60 26  
  Lecture T 1900 - 2150 L 1270 Suderman, G
  Lecture R 1600 - 1750 L 1270 Suderman, G
MUSI4871 L20 12081 Guitar Chamber Ensemble VIII 19 10  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 2080 Hlus, D
MUSI4872 L20 12082 Piano Chamber Ensemble VIII 20 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1230 Hayes, J
MUSI4873 L20 12083 Percussion Ensemble VIII 20 9  
  Lab Course F 1200 - 1350 L 1270 Caldwell, R
MUSI4874 L20 12084 Woodwind Ensemble VIII 20 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1235 Chernoff, M
MUSI4875 L20 12085 Brass Ensemble VIII 20 11  
  Lab Course F 1200 - 1350 L 1230 Shorthouse, T
MUSI4877 L20 12086 Jazz Band VIII 20 5  
  Lab Course W 1600 - 1750 L 1270 Shorthouse, T
MUSI4878 L50 12087 Jazz Combo VIII 20 15  
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1270 Ryga, C
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1235 Ryga, C
  Lab Course M 1900 - 2050 L 1270 Ryga, C
MUSI4881 L20 12088 Kwantlen Chamber Singers VIII 24 13  
  Lab Course T 1200 - 1350 L 1270 Suderman, G
NRSG2111 SAB 10664 Healing 1:Episodic Health Chlg 1  
  Lecture T 0900 - 1150 S 326 Sweeney, S
NRSG2141 SAA 11867 Nursing Practice 3 2  
  Lecture/Work Simulation M 0900 - 1150 S 324 Doyle, R
  Lecture/Work Simulation W 0900 - 1050 S 234 Doyle, R
  Lecture/Work Simulation T 1300 - 1550 S 234 Doyle, R
  Lecture/Work Simulation SU - S OFFCAMPUS Doyle, R
NRSG2160 SAB 10672 Health Sci 3:Pathophysiology 1 2  
  Lecture M 1300 - 1550 S 324 Bock, C
  Lecture M 0800 - 0850 S 326 Bock, C
  Lecture M 0800 - 0850 S 326 Bock, C
  Lecture M 0800 - 0850 S 326 Bock, C
  Lecture M 0800 - 0850 S 326 Bock, C
NRSG3111 SAB 10673 Health 3: Teaching & Learning 1  
  Lecture R 0900 - 1150 S 326 Malyon Ginther, D
NRSG3141 SBB 10676 Nursing Practice 5 1  
  Lecture/Work Simulation S - S OFFCAMPUS Ritchie, L
  Lecture/Work Simulation T - S OFFCAMPUS Ritchie, L
  Lecture/Work Simulation W 0800 - 1150 S 2801 Ritchie, L
  Lecture/Work Simulation W 1300 - 1650 S 326 Ritchie, L
NRSG3160 SAB 10679 Health Sci 5: Adv Health Chall 1  
  Lecture R 1300 - 1650 S 2801 Cato, D
NRSG3190 A75 11875 Access for Registered Nurses 31  
  Online   - A ONLINE Luccock, M
NRSG3220 SAB 11374 Professional Growth:Research 1  
  Lecture W 1700 - 2050 S 3830 Crook, M
NRSG3225 SAB 11375 Profess. Growth:Nurs.Inquiry 1  
  Lecture W 1500 - 1650 S 1045 Tien, L
  Lecture W 1300 - 1450 S 3040 Tien, L
NRSG3231 SBB 11378 Self & Others:Reflct on Caring 9  
  Lecture T 1300 - 1650 S 334 Cato, D
NRSG4111 SAB 10685 Profes. Growth 5: Nrs Influenc 8  
  Lecture T 0800 - 1150 S 232 Gurm, B
NRSG4120 SAB 10687 Qualitative & Quantitative Ana 8  
  Lecture F 1300 - 1450 S 2060 Symonds, D
  Lecture F 1500 - 1650 S 2045 Symonds, D
NRSG4141 SAA 10689 Nursing Practice 7 3  
  Lecture/Work Simulation R - S OFFCAMPUS Crook, M
  Lecture/Work Simulation T 1300 - 1550 S 3801 Crook, M
NRSG4141 SBB 10694 Nursing Practice 7 4  
  Lecture/Work Simulation T 1300 - 1550 S 232 Gurm, B
  Lecture/Work Simulation R - S OFFCAMPUS Gurm, B
NRSG4211 SAB 11384 Profess. Growth: Transitions 4  
  Lecture MWR 0900 - 1150 L 2040 Baron, J
  Lecture TWR 0900 - 1150 L 2040 Baron, J
  Lecture TWR 0900 - 1150 L 2040 Baron, J
  Lecture TWR 1300 - 1550 L 2040 Baron, J
  Lecture TWR 1300 - 1550 L 2040 Baron, J
  Lecture MWR 1300 - 1550 L 2040 Baron, J
NRSG4242 SAA 11385 Consolidated NRSG Practice 8 1  
  Clinical Experience MTWRFSU - S OFFCAMPUS Dunn, D
  Clinical Experience MTW 1300 - 1550 S 236 Dunn, D
  Clinical Experience MTW 1300 - 1550 S 248 Dunn, D
  Clinical Experience W 1300 - 1550 S 204 Dunn, D
  Clinical Experience MTW 0800 - 1150 S 236 Dunn, D
  Clinical Experience MTW 0800 - 1150 S 248 Dunn, D
  Clinical Experience W 0800 - 1150 S 334 Dunn, D
  Clinical Experience F 0900 - 1050 S 144 Dunn, D
  Clinical Experience F 0900 - 1050 S 1040 Dunn, D
  Clinical Experience F 0900 - 1050 S 142 Dunn, D
  Clinical Experience F 0900 - 1050 S 146 Dunn, D
  Clinical Experience F 1000 - 1250 S Dunn, D
NRSG4242 SBB 11386 Consolidated NRSG Practice 8 2  
  Clinical Experience MTW 0800 - 1150 S 248 Bell, A
  Clinical Experience F 0900 - 1050 S 144 Bell, A
  Clinical Experience F 0900 - 1050 S 142 Bell, A
  Clinical Experience MTW 0800 - 1150 S 236 Bell, A
  Clinical Experience W 0800 - 1150 S 334 Bell, A
  Clinical Experience   0900 - 1050 S 146 Bell, A
  Clinical Experience MTWRFSU - S OFFCAMPUS Bell, A
  Clinical Experience W 1300 - 1550 S 204 Bell, A
  Clinical Experience MTW 1300 - 1550 S 248 Bell, A
  Clinical Experience MTW 1300 - 1550 S 236 Bell, A
  Clinical Experience F 1000 - 1250 S Bell, A
  Clinical Experience F 0900 - 1050 S 1040 Bell, A