Spring 2012 seat availability at Kwantlen (O-Z)


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Seat Availability

A-B | C-D | E-F | G-L | M-N | O-Z

Term: 201210
Last updated: 16-JAN-2012 07:45 PM

Subj Section CRN Title Seats Avail Xlist Seats Avail
  Schedule Type Days Begin - End Location Instructor
PHIL1100 L11 12143 Introduction To Philosophy 1  
  Lecture W 1600 - 1850 L 1370 Hannah, W
PHIL1100 R11 10027 Introduction To Philosophy 1  
  Lecture R 1600 - 1850 R 1340 Glouberman, M
PHIL1100 R50 10028 Introduction To Philosophy 1  
  Lecture R 1900 - 2150 R 1340 Li, P
PHIL1100 S12 10034 Introduction To Philosophy 2  
  Lecture R 1600 - 1850 S 2422 Hogan, M
PHIL1110 R10 10029 Introduction to Ethics 1  
  Lecture MW 1430 - 1550 R 1330 Lucas, M
PHIL1111 S10 11854 Sustainability:Analysis&Ethics 6 4  
  Lecture W 1600 - 1850 S 2422 Bourgeois, V
PHIL1145 R10 11852 Critical Thinking 1  
  Lecture TR 0830 - 0950 R 1340 Katz, J
PHIL1145 S10 10038 Critical Thinking 2  
  Lecture M 1600 - 1850 S 2422 Harrison, H
PHIL1150 R10 10031 Introduction to Formal Logic 6  
  Lecture TR 1000 - 1120 R 1340 Katz, J
PHIL1150 S10 10039 Introduction to Formal Logic 1  
  Lecture TR 1300 - 1420 S 2422 Fenske, W
PHIL1150 S74 10040 Introduction to Formal Logic 1  
  Partially Online M 1000 - 1120 S 122 Bourgeois, V
  Partially Online   - S ONLINE Bourgeois, V
PHIL1150 S75 11855 Introduction to Formal Logic 2  
  Partially Online T 1300 - 1420 S 124 Bourgeois, V
  Partially Online   - S ONLINE Bourgeois, V
PHIL1155 S10 11856 Intro to Scientific Reasoning 3  
  Lecture MW 1430 - 1550 S 3810 Katz, J
PHIL2107 S50 11857 Modern Philosophy 1  
  Lecture T 1900 - 2150 S 116 Ruloff, C
PHIL2120 R10 11853 Philosophy of Religion 2  
  Lecture T 1600 - 1850 R 1340 Li, P
PHIL2215 S10 11859 Metaphysics 3  
  Lecture TR 1430 - 1550 S 2422 Hogan, M
PHIL3033 S10 10041 Business Ethics 1  
  Lecture R 1600 - 1850 S 116 Barthelemy, W
PHIL3040 S10 11860 Philosophy of Arts 11  
  Lecture R 1300 - 1550 S 128 Barthelemy, W
PHIL3109 S10 11861 Foundations in Ethics 20  
  Lecture MW 1300 - 1420 S 2422 Fenske, W
PHIL3118 S50 11862 Ethics and Public Policy 7  
  Lecture M 1900 - 2150 S 2422 Harrison, H
PHIL4110 S10 11207 Topic:Phil-Love,Sex&Marriage 9  
  Lecture R 1600 - 1850 S 324 Lucas, M
PHIL4120 S10 11863 Topics in the Phil of Religion 1  
  Lecture T 1600 - 1850 S 2801 Ruloff, C
PHYQ1098 R10 10331 Introduction to Physics 2  
  Lecture/Laboratory T 1000 - 1150 R 2630 Murphy, G
  Lecture/Laboratory R 1000 - 1150 R 3290 Murphy, G
  Lecture/Laboratory F 1200 - 1350 R 2630 Murphy, G
PHYQ1098 R11 11968 Introduction to Physics 4  
  Lecture WF 1400 - 1550 R 2630 Lang, J
  Lecture R 1400 - 1550 R 3290 Lang, J
PHYS1100 R01 10293 Introductory Physics 5 2  
  Laboratory M 1200 - 1350 R 3265 Lang, J
PHYS1100 R02 10294 Introductory Physics 2 2  
  Laboratory M 1400 - 1550 R 3265 Lang, J
PHYS1100 R50 10292 Introductory Physics 2  
  Lecture MW 1800 - 1950 R 3850 Callaghan, F
PHYS1102 R01 11093 Physics for Life Sciences II 13 1  
  Laboratory T 1600 - 1850 R 3265 Flynn, S
PHYS1102 R03 11963 Physics for Life Sciences II 15 9  
  Laboratory R 0800 - 1050 R 3265 DeBenedictis, J
PHYS1102 R10 11092 Physics for Life Sciences II 19 9  
  Lecture TF 0800 - 0950 R 3850 Callaghan, F
PHYS1220 R01 11101 Phys Physical & Appl Scie II 8 1  
  Laboratory T 1600 - 1850 R 3265 Flynn, S
PHYS1220 R03 11964 Phys Physical & Appl Scie II 14 9  
  Laboratory R 0800 - 1050 R 3265 DeBenedictis, J
PHYS1220 R10 11100 Phys Physical & Appl Scie II 0 9  
  Lecture MW 1200 - 1350 R 3850 Callaghan, F
POLI1110 L10 11651 Ideology & Politics 3  
  Lecture R 1300 - 1550 L 2120 Millard, G
POLI1120 L10 10807 Canadian Govern. & Politics 2  
  Lecture T 1300 - 1550 L 1310 Haaland, J
POLI1125 L10 11238 Intro To Political Science 5  
  Lecture M 1600 - 1850 L 1310 Abiew, F
POLI1125 R10 10939 Intro To Political Science 1  
  Lecture TR 1130 - 1250 R 2530 Gal-Or, N
POLI1125 S10 10003 Intro To Political Science 2  
  Lecture MW 1000 - 1120 S 118 Abiew, F
POLI1150 R10 10002 Intro. To International Relat. 2  
  Lecture TR 1000 - 1120 R 2530 Gal-Or, N
POLI1150 S10 10964 Intro. To International Relat. 2  
  Lecture W 1300 - 1550 S 118 Abiew, F
POLI1150 S11 10005 Intro. To International Relat. 8  
  Lecture R 1300 - 1550 S 118 Abiew, F
POLI3122 S10 11241 Intro. to Cnd. Foreign Policy 4  
  Lecture W 1600 - 1850 S 334 Haaland, J
POLI3240 S10 12115 Chinese Government & Politics 14  
  Lecture F 1000 - 1250 S 2810 Masilamani, L
POLI4145 S10 12038 Trans-Border Politics 17  
  Lecture T 1600 - 1850 S 3820 Gal-Or, N
POST1100 S10 12200 Sustainability:Analysis&Ethics 33 4  
  Lecture W 1600 - 1850 S 2422 Bourgeois, V
POST3100 S10 11997 Econ of Sustainability Policy 33 31  
  Lecture M 1600 - 1850 S 130 Vujovic, S
POST3110 S50 11850 Applied Policy Seminar I 29  
  Lecture T 1900 - 2150 S 2810 Warsi, J
PRLN1250 R10 12089 Dig apps for Electronic Media 1  
  Lecture F 1400 - 1550 R 2160 Wolf, C
  Lecture W 1300 - 1450 R 2160 Wolf, C
PRLN2431 R10 12171 Event Production & Management 9  
  Lab Course W 1300 - 1550 R 2825 Kennedy, A
PRLN2441 R10 11415 Organizational Communications 8  
  Lecture MW 0900 - 1150 R 2825 Smolar, T
PRLN2455 R10 11657 PR Consulting 9  
  Lecture TR 0900 - 1150 R 2825 Kennedy, A
PRLN2476 R10 11414 P/Relations Work Experience 4  
  Lecture M 1300 - 1450 R 1380 Smolar, T
PRLN3010 R10 11417 Ethics of Communication 14  
  Lecture TR 1300 - 1550 R 1330 Frymire Fleming, A
PSCM1200 C10 11613 Police Communications 5  
  Lecture/Laboratory R 0900 - 1150 C 2112 Wade, N
  Lecture/Laboratory R 1300 - 1450 C 2112 Wade, N
  Lecture/Laboratory R 0900 - 1150 C 2116 Wade, N
  Lecture/Laboratory R 1300 - 1450 C 2117 Wade, N
PSCM1240 C10 11614 Human Behaviour II 5  
  Lecture W 0900 - 1250 C 2112 Vallance, S
PSCM1260 C10 11615 Practicum 6  
  Work Experience F 0900 - 1150 C 2116 Wade, N
  Work Experience F 0900 - 1150 C 2112 Wade, N
PSCM1281 C10 11616 PSCM Communications Lab2 5  
  Lab Course F 1300 - 1450 C 2117 Wade, N
  Lab Course F 1300 - 1450 C 2112 Wade, N
  Lab Course W 1300 - 1450 C 2112 Wade, N
PSCM1300 C10 11617 Fire Communications 5  
  Lecture/Laboratory T 0900 - 1150 C 2116 MacKenzie, B
  Lecture/Laboratory T 1300 - 1450 C 2112 MacKenzie, B
  Lecture/Laboratory T 1300 - 1450 C 2117 MacKenzie, B
  Lecture/Laboratory T 0900 - 1150 C 2112 MacKenzie, B
PSCM1500 C10 11618 Emergency Medical Communicat. 5  
  Lecture/Laboratory M 1300 - 1450 C 2112 Begg, C
  Lecture/Laboratory M 1300 - 1450 C 2117 Begg, C
  Lecture/Laboratory M 0900 - 1150 C 2116 Begg, C
  Lecture/Laboratory M 0900 - 1150 C 2112 Begg, C
PSYC1200 R11 10184 Intro.to Psyc: Areas & Applic 1  
  Lecture M 1300 - 1550 R 2150 Rideout, B
PSYC1200 R13 11198 Intro.to Psyc: Areas & Applic 1  
  Lecture T 1300 - 1550 R 1830 Marasigan, J
PSYC1200 R14 10185 Intro.to Psyc: Areas & Applic 1  
  Lecture F 1000 - 1250 R 3080 Thompson, S
PSYC1200 S10 10115 Intro.to Psyc: Areas & Applic 1  
  Lecture R 1300 - 1550 S 2810 Shah, S
PSYC2300 R11 10972 Applied Statistics 3  
  Lecture MW 1430 - 1550 R 1830 Marasigan, J
PSYC2300 S10 10119 Applied Statistics 1  
  Lecture T 1000 - 1250 S 116 McDonald, R
PSYC2315 L10 11208 Brain and Behaviour 2  
  Lecture M 1600 - 1850 L 2120 McDonald, R
PSYC2330 R10 10199 Social Psychology 2  
  Lecture M 1600 - 1850 R 1830 Klymchuk, K
PSYC2370 S10 10129 Psychology of Personality 1  
  Lecture R 1300 - 1550 S 2840 Jones, C
PSYC2375 S50 10201 Perception 1  
  Lecture M 1900 - 2150 S 2820 Bernstein, D
PSYC2400 S50 12209 Exper. Psyc:Research Method. 1  
  Lecture/Laboratory R 1900 - 2150 S 1040 Bhatt, G
PSYC3010 S10 11912 Human Sexuality 1  
  Lecture M 1300 - 1550 S 2820 Pedersen, C
PSYC3307 S50 11213 Hist. & Phil. Found. of Psyc 2  
  Lecture R 1600 - 1850 S 2840 Rideout, B
PSYC3350 S10 11216 Advanced Topics Psychpathology 1  
  Lecture T 1300 - 1550 S 2840 Spaulding, B
PSYC3960 S10 11219 Program Evaluation 6  
  Lecture R 1300 - 1550 S 2820 Tweed, R
PSYC4100 S10 11220 Tests and Measurement 29  
  Lecture MW 1000 - 1120 S 2810 Marasigan, J
PSYC4315 S10 11222 Neuroscience 5  
  Lecture T 1000 - 1250 S 2810 Froc, D
PSYC4400 S10 11224 Research Methods II:Qualitativ 20  
  Lecture MW 0830 - 0950 S 2840 Podrouzek, W
PSYN1200 S10 11576 Families & Their Health 13  
  Lecture/Work Simulation W 0900 - 1150 S 204 Baker, E
  Lecture/Work Simulation W 1400 - 1550 S 204 Baker, E
  Lecture/Work Simulation W 1400 - 1550 S 204 Baker, E
  Lecture/Work Simulation W 1400 - 1550 S 204 Baker, E
  Lecture/Work Simulation W 1400 - 1550 S 204 Baker, E
  Lecture/Work Simulation W 1400 - 1550 S 204 Baker, E
  Lecture/Work Simulation RF - S OFFCAMPUS Baker, E
  Lecture/Work Simulation M 0900 - 1050 S 234 Baker, E
  Lecture/Work Simulation M 0900 - 1050 S 234 Baker, E
  Lecture/Work Simulation M 0900 - 1050 S 234 Baker, E
  Lecture/Work Simulation   - S Baker, E
  Lecture/Work Simulation M 0900 - 1050 S 234 Baker, E
  Lecture/Work Simulation M 0900 - 1050 S 234 Baker, E
  Lecture/Work Simulation M 0900 - 1050 S 234 Baker, E
  Lecture/Work Simulation M 0900 - 1050 S 234 Baker, E
PSYN2200 S75 11579 Acute Care as Community 2  
  Partially Online T 0800 - 1050 S 328 Varaich, S
  Partially Online T 0800 - 1050 S 328 Varaich, S
  Partially Online T 0800 - 1050 S 328 Varaich, S
  Partially Online T 0800 - 1050 S 328 Varaich, S
  Partially Online T 1200 - 1350 S 234 Varaich, S
  Partially Online   - S Varaich, S
  Partially Online F - S OFFCAMPUS Varaich, S
  Partially Online R - S OFFCAMPUS Varaich, S
  Partially Online W - S ONLINE Varaich, S
  Partially Online M - S ONLINE Varaich, S
  Partially Online T 1200 - 1350 S 234 Varaich, S
  Partially Online T 1200 - 1350 S 234 Varaich, S
  Partially Online T 1200 - 1350 S 234 Varaich, S
  Partially Online T 1200 - 1350 S 234 Varaich, S
  Partially Online T 1200 - 1350 S 234 Varaich, S
  Partially Online T 1200 - 1350 S 234 Varaich, S
PSYN2200 S76 11580 Acute Care as Community 1  
  Partially Online T 0800 - 1050 S 3015 Dhesi, H
  Partially Online   - S Dhesi, H
  Partially Online T 0800 - 1050 S 3015 Dhesi, H
  Partially Online T 0800 - 1050 S 3015 Dhesi, H
  Partially Online F - S OFFCAMPUS Dhesi, H
  Partially Online R - S OFFCAMPUS Dhesi, H
  Partially Online W - S ONLINE Dhesi, H
  Partially Online M - S ONLINE Dhesi, H
  Partially Online T 1400 - 1550 S 234 Dhesi, H
  Partially Online T 1400 - 1550 S 234 Dhesi, H
  Partially Online T 1400 - 1550 S 234 Dhesi, H
  Partially Online T 1400 - 1550 S 234 Dhesi, H
  Partially Online T 1400 - 1550 S 234 Dhesi, H
  Partially Online T 1400 - 1550 S 234 Dhesi, H
  Partially Online T 1400 - 1550 S 234 Dhesi, H
  Partially Online T 0800 - 1050 S 3015 Dhesi, H
PSYN2200 S77 11581 Acute Care as Community 2  
  Partially Online T 1400 - 1550 S 234 Varaich, S
  Partially Online T 1400 - 1550 S 234 Varaich, S
  Partially Online M - S ONLINE Varaich, S
  Partially Online W - S ONLINE Varaich, S
  Partially Online R - S OFFCAMPUS Varaich, S
  Partially Online F - S OFFCAMPUS Varaich, S
  Partially Online   - S Varaich, S
  Partially Online T 0800 - 1050 S 328 Varaich, S
  Partially Online T 0800 - 1050 S 328 Varaich, S
  Partially Online T 0800 - 1050 S 328 Varaich, S
  Partially Online T 0800 - 1050 S 328 Varaich, S
  Partially Online T 1400 - 1550 S 234 Varaich, S
  Partially Online T 1400 - 1550 S 234 Varaich, S
  Partially Online T 1400 - 1550 S 234 Varaich, S
  Partially Online T 1400 - 1550 S 234 Varaich, S
  Partially Online T 1400 - 1550 S 234 Varaich, S
PSYN3200 S11 11585 Global Problems & Health 6  
  Work Experience MTWRF 0900 - 1550 S 2010 Morton, J
  Work Experience T 0900 - 1150 S 2422 Morton, J
  Work Experience MTWRF - S OFFCAMPUS Morton, J
  Work Experience W 1600 - 1850 S 3414 Morton, J
  Work Experience T 1300 - 1550 S 234 Morton, J
  Work Experience T 1300 - 1550 S 234 Morton, J
  Work Experience W 0900 - 1550 S 1205C Morton, J
  Work Experience R 1000 - 1250 S 2801 Morton, J
  Work Experience T 1300 - 1550 S 234 Morton, J
  Work Experience T 1300 - 1550 S 234 Morton, J
PSYN3220 S10 11586 Issues in MH Nursing 6  
  Lecture M 1700 - 1950 S 334 Morton, J
PSYN3230 S10 11587 Psyc/Mental Hlth: Nrsg Researc 7  
  Lecture R 1700 - 2050 S 334 Symonds, D
PSYN3240 A75 11588 Qualitative/Quantitative Anal. 6  
  Online   - A ONLINE Luccock, M
PUNJ1101 S03 10888 Introductory Punjabi II 1  
  Conversation W 2030 - 2110 S 2055 Johal, R
PUNJ1101 S10 10885 Introductory Punjabi II 1  
  Lecture W 1600 - 1850 S 2060 Johal, R
SETA1101 R75 12101 Diverse Learners in Schools 11  
  Partially Online S 0900 - 1550 R 2165 Norman, N
  Partially Online   - R ONLINE Norman, N
  Partially Online R 1900 - 2150 R 1830 Norman, N
  Partially Online S 0900 - 1550 R 1830 Norman, N
SETA1105 R75 12102 Learning in Schools 11  
  Partially Online S 0900 - 1550 R 1830 Paddock, K
  Partially Online S 0900 - 1550 R 1830 Paddock, K
  Partially Online S 0900 - 1550 R 1830 Paddock, K
  Partially Online S 0900 - 1550 R 1830 Paddock, K
  Partially Online S 0900 - 1550 R 1830 Paddock, K
  Partially Online S 0900 - 1550 R 1830 Paddock, K
SETA1161 R50 12100 Change & Development - Chldhd 11  
  Lecture R 1900 - 2150 R 1830 Cowell, W
SETA1162 L10 11598 Chnge & Dvlpmnt:Adolsce-Adlthd 1  
  Lecture W 1230 - 1520 L 2040 Williams, A
  Lecture W 1230 - 1520 L 2040 Williams, A
SETA1225 L10 11594 Aug. Communication 1  
  Lecture T 0900 - 1150 L 2040 MacCallum, A
  Lecture T 0900 - 1150 L 2040 MacCallum, A
  Lecture T 0900 - 1150 L 2040 MacCallum, A
SETA1270 L10 12168 Practicum One 1  
  Work Experience F 0900 - 1520 L 2040 Woodyard, S
  Work Experience M 1230 - 1505 L 2040 Woodyard, S
  Work Experience M 1600 - 1820 L 232 Woodyard, S
  Work Experience M 1600 - 1820 L 204 Woodyard, S
  Work Experience MTWRF 0800 - 1550 L OFFCAMPUS Woodyard, S
SETA1280 L10 11595 Health and Personal Care 1  
  Lecture/Laboratory F 0900 - 1150 L 2422 Lacey, L
  Lecture/Laboratory   1230 - 1520 L 2040 Lacey, L
  Lecture/Laboratory T 1900 - 2150 L 1205C Lacey, L
  Lecture/Laboratory W 1900 - 2140 L OFFCAMPUS Lacey, L
  Lecture/Laboratory T 1230 - 1520 L 2040 Lacey, L
SETA1305 L10 11593 Overview of Curriculum 1  
  Lecture M 0900 - 1150 L 2040 Woodyard, S
  Lecture W 0900 - 1150 L 2040 Woodyard, S
  Lecture W 0900 - 1150 L 2040 Woodyard, S
  Lecture M 0900 - 1150 L 2040 Woodyard, S
  Lecture M 0900 - 1150 L 2040 Woodyard, S
SETA1305 R51 11608 Overview of Curriculum 7  
  Lecture R 1900 - 2150 R 1840 Woodyard, S
  Lecture S 0900 - 1550 R 1840 Woodyard, S
SETA1370 L10 11599 Practicum Two 2  
  Lecture R 0900 - 1150 L 2040 Cowell, W
  Lecture R 0900 - 1150 L 2040 Cowell, W
  Lecture MTWRF 0800 - 1600 L OFFCAMPUS Cowell, W
SETA1370 L15 11606 Practicum Two 3  
  Lecture/Work Simulation R 1230 - 1520 L 2005 Cowell, W
  Lecture/Work Simulation MTWRF 0800 - 1600 L OFFCAMPUS Cowell, W
  Lecture/Work Simulation R 1230 - 1520 L 2005 Cowell, W
SETA1370 R51 11609 Practicum Two 7  
  Lecture S 1230 - 1550 R 1840 Woodyard, S
  Lecture S 0900 - 1350 R 1840 Woodyard, S
  Lecture MTWRF 0800 - 1550 R OFFCAMPUS Woodyard, S
SOCI1125 L10 10104 Intr to Society:Prcss & Struct 1  
  Lecture MW 1000 - 1120 L 2120 Quist-Adade, C
SOCI1125 L11 10105 Intr to Society:Prcss & Struct 2  
  Lecture TR 0830 - 0950 L 2120 Mitchell, K
SOCI1125 R12 10098 Intr to Society:Prcss & Struct 1  
  Lecture T 1000 - 1250 R 1840 Jalowica, K
SOCI2225 L10 10079 Canadian Soc:Conflct&Consensus 1  
  Lecture TR 1000 - 1120 L 2120 Whittington-Walsh, F
SOCI2275 L10 10830 Mass Media and Society 1  
  Lecture M 1300 - 1550 L 2120 Quist-Adade, C
SOCI3235 S10 11232 Classic Sociological Theories 4  
  Lecture M 1000 - 1250 S 2830 Christensen, E
SOCI3245 S10 11955 Gender, Bodies and Sexualities 1  
  Lecture T 1000 - 1250 S 1362 Deri, J
SOCI3275 S10 11233 Sociology of Popular Culture 9  
  Lecture M 1900 - 2150 S 3820 Whittington-Walsh, F
SOCI3365 S10 12091 Quantitative Research Methods 17  
  Lecture T 1600 - 1850 S 2045 Gatzeva, M
SOCI4320 S10 11956 Global Studies 13  
  Lecture TR 1430 - 1550 S 3820 Quist-Adade, C
SPAN1100 S01 10461 Basic Spanish I 1  
  Conversation T 1515 - 1555 S 2055 Rojas-Primus, R
SPAN1100 S10 10458 Basic Spanish I 1  
  Lecture TR 1730 - 1850 S 2060 Rojas-Primus, R
SPAN1101 R02 11301 Basic Spanish II 1  
  Conversation R 1345 - 1425 R 2425 Rojas-Primus, R
SPAN1101 R03 11302 Basic Spanish II 2  
  Conversation R 1430 - 1510 R 2425 Rojas-Primus, R
SPAN1101 R10 11299 Basic Spanish II 3  
  Lecture TR 1130 - 1250 R 1355 Rojas-Primus, R
SPAN1101 S01 10467 Basic Spanish II 1  
  Conversation T 1215 - 1255 S 223 Rojas-Primus, R
SPAN1101 S02 10468 Basic Spanish II 1  
  Conversation T 1300 - 1340 S 223 Rojas-Primus, R
SPAN1101 S10 10465 Basic Spanish II 2  
  Lecture TR 1430 - 1550 S 2060 Rojas-Primus, R
SPAN2201 S02 11309 Intermed.Spanish II 1  
  Conversation M 1345 - 1425 S 2055 Karsenti, P
SPAN2201 S03 11310 Intermed.Spanish II 7  
  Conversation M 1430 - 1510 S 2055 Karsenti, P
SPAN2201 S10 11307 Intermed.Spanish II 8  
  Lecture M 1000 - 1250 S 2060 Karsenti, P
WOMN2200 S10 11583 Creative Teaching & Learning 15  
  Lecture T 1700 - 1950 S 334 Baker, E
ZZZZ1100 S10 10801 Crse-Testing Purposes ONLY 1  
  Lecture   - S