- 1. Log into OSS
- 2. Complete Your Checklist
- 3. Receive a Decision
- 4. Accept your Offer
- 5. Register for Classes
1. Check your Online Self-Service regularly
After submitting an application for admission to KPU, you will first receive an email from us with your KPU student number. After about 1-2 weeks, you will receive another email with log in information for Online Self-Service and KPU Student Email. Make sure to log in frequently to check on your application status, outstanding checklist items, and transfer credit.
Your user ID is your KPU Student Email address. First time users will use their birthdate followed by their Student ID as their PIN: DDMonYYYY_999999999 (as an example, 01Jan2007_123456789). If you've changed your password and have forgotten it, click "Forgot PIN" to reset it.
Applicants will be asked to set up Multi-Factor Authentication to access Online Self-Service. Click the link for more information on Multi-Factor Authentication for Students.
2. Complete your Application Checklist
Check your application checklist for outstanding documents/requirements. We encourage you to submit your documents as soon as possible.
Official transcripts must be received in a sealed school envelope bearing an official stamp or seal. Learn More About Submitting Transcripts.
Limited intake programs may require additional documents. Please review the University Calendar and your application checklist to ensure you understand what is required. Examples of additional documents may include: Information Session, Portfolio Review, Volunteer Hours, Reference Letters, Interview, Typing Test, Letter of Interest.
Applicants requiring KPU entrance testing should refer to www.kpu.ca/ats.
If you wish to change Faculties, or wish to apply to a Limited Intake program for the same term you have applied to, you may submit a Change of Application form.
View your Application Checklist through Online Self-Service Online Self-Service:
Select Student Menu > Admissions > View your application status

On the Application Menu, you will see all active applications you have with KPU. Click on the correct application to see its corresponding information:

The image below is a sample application summary only. Here are the categories of information you will see on your checklist:
- Application Status: Shows your program of application, and the current status of that application
- Requirement: Items required for your application
- Received: Date of receipt of each requirement
- Note: Will indicate further details of some Requirements (not all will have Notes)
- Status: Will indicate if the item has been met
- Deadline: Not all programs have deadlines. If your program does not have deadlines listed, you should still submit your documents as soon as possible in order to have your application processed.
- Some programs are limited intake based on Date of Qualification – this means that the earlier you complete your checklist, the better your chance of being admitted to the program
- If your deadline has passed, you may still be eligible to be considered for admission. Check your email for your Next Steps, as this will be the correct person to contact if you have questions.

3. Wait to Hear From Us
As KPU Admissions receives items on your application checklist, your application will begin to be evaluated.
Applicants who are admissible to their desired program will receive a mailed offer of admission letter, which will inform you of next steps, such as instructions for paying a confirmation deposit and accepting the offer of admission. If your offer is conditional, the conditions to remain admissible will also be outlined in your letter.
If you are not admissible to your first choice program, KPU Admissions will assess whether you are admissible to your second choice, or your Faculty.
If you've requested transfer credit on your application, your transfer credit evaluation will only begin once all requested documents are received on your application checklist. If you are requesting transfer credit from an institution outside of British Columbia, course outlines are highly recommended to expedite the process. If you do not see "Transfer Credit Evaluation" on your application checklist, then you will need to complete a manual request. Please proceed to www.kpu.ca/transfercredit for more details on the transfer credit process.
4. Accept your Offer of Admission
Applicants who are provided an offer of admission are required to accept their offer of admission by a specified deadline (outlined in your offer letter) and pay a non-refundable confirmation deposit as part of the acceptance. Please be advised that you will not be assigned a registration time until you have accepted your offer of admission and paid your confirmation deposit.
Once you register for courses, the confirmation deposit will be applied toward your student account, reducing the total tuition/fees owing for the semester. Should you choose not to attend KPU, the confirmation deposit is forfeited and retained by the University. Applicants who have accepted an offer of admission to an Open Intake program may request a one-time deferral of their admission and confirmation deposit for a maximum of one year. Additional conditions are outlined in the Request for Deferred Admission form.
The confirmation deposit is payable online through Online Self-Service, selecting the Student Menu tab (top of the screen) > Admissions > Pay your Deposit

If you have been admitted to an Open Intake program, have paid your confirmation deposit, and would like to defer your admission, Please go to the SES Student Forms page to find the 'Request for Deferred Admission'.
Read the Directions for Use carefully and ensure you meet all necessary criteria. Please note that deferrals are not available for Limited Intake programs.