Subcommittee on Pathway Courses



The Subcommittee on Pathway Courses (SPWC) is a subcommittee of the Senate Standing Committee on Curriculum (SSCC).  SPWC is the body that has the subject expertise to recommend approval of Pathway (PW) designation to courses following the criteria set out by SSCC. 


The Subcommittee on Pathway Courses (SPWC) is an SSCC subcommittee with a mandate to: 

  1. Make recommendations for changes to the criteria and guidelines for Pathway (PW) courses when required. 
  2. Review the criteria for PW courses as necessary and recommend approval of any revisions to SSCC. 
  3. Make recommendations for amendments to applicable policies, websites, and Academic Calendar content as they pertain to PW courses. 
  4. Collaborate with Faculties, the Senate Standing Committee on Teaching & Learning, and the Office of the Provost to ensure that Pathway-designated courses align with academic standards, the goals of the pathway program, and the needs of students. 
  5. Review proposals for new Pathway-attributed courses, changes to existing Pathway courses, and the removal of Pathway attributes following established criteria and guidelines. 
  6. Report to SSCC of any courses the committee deems to have satisfied the established criteria, for recommendation to Senate as a Pathway-attributed course. 
  7. Report to the course developers of any courses that the committee deems to have not satisfied the established criteria for the Pathway attribute. 
  8. Annually review data from the Office of Planning & Accountability on Pathway student success on PW courses (DFW rate), and make applicable recommendations to SSCC. 
  9. Review periodically the mandate, composition, and processes of SPWC, and make recommendations to SSCC concerning these matters as appropriate. 
  10. Perform other duties as assigned by Senate. 

Membership Composition

Chair: Elected by the committee for a three-year term.

The membership of the Subcommittee on Pathway Courses is constituted by representative members from across KPU who have expertise in English upgrading and developmental education. The faculty members are nominated by their respective Faculty councils and approved by the Senate Standing Committee on Curriculum.

Voting Members

  • Dean or Associate Dean, Faculty of Academic and Career Preparation
  • Two faculty members from the Faculty of Academic and Career Preparation
  • Two additional faculty members from Faculties with one or more courses on the Pathway
  • One representative from the Teaching and Learning Commons
  • One Academic Advisor
  • One student currently or previously in the pathway to undergraduate studies 


  • Provost and Vice-President, Academic or designate
  • Chair of Senate Standing Committee on Curriculum
  • Learning Specialist, Accessibility Services
  • Learning Strategist, Learning Centre

Vacant positions do not count towards quorum.

Terms of Office

  • Three-years

The Chair will inform the committee if a member’s absences exceed three meetings. The committee will discuss the situation and the chair, in conjunction with the committee, may declare the position vacant.

2024–2025 Membership

 Dean or Associate Dean, Faculty of Academic and Career Preparation 
 Representative, Teaching and Learning Commons 
 Academic Advisor 
 Student Representative 
 Faculty of Academic and Career Preparation 
 Faculty of Academic and Career Preparation 
 Provost and Vice-President, Academic or designateEx officio
Catherine SchwichtenbergChair of Senate Standing Committee on CurriculumEx officio
 Learning Specialist, Accessibility Services 
 Learning Strategist, Learning Centre 

2024–2025 Meeting Schedule

This subcommittee meets as required to review courses for PATH designation.

Administrative Support: Senate Office