E books from NetLibrary


Kwantlen Polytechnic University Library has access to a collection of business-related electronic books (eBooks) via NetLibrary. Our collection includes over 800 eBooks on business management, finance, advertising, marketing, globalization, as well as an extensive list of eBooks in the public domain featuring classic works of literature and history. They can be read online from any computer connected to the Internet. Access is restricted to Kwantlen students, staff and Library users.

You are able to access the titles directly from the catalogue or from our NetLibrary connect page. If you are accessing the collection on campus, you will not need to log in. If you are accessing it from off campus, you will be required to login with your 9-digit student number/employee number.

Create an Account

If you only wish to search and browse eBooks you do not need to create an account. If, however, you wish to to save titles to a Favorites list or be able to make notes , you will need to create an account. To create an account, you must connect to NetLibrary and click Create a Free Account in the upper right corner.

Search for eBooks in the Kwantlen Library Catalogue

eBooks are listed in the Kwantlen Library Catalogue. Find them by doing a search for NetLibrary (one word). eBooks are also included in your results when you do a regular search. For example, if you search the word advertising in the catalogue, the list of books will include several entries with the heading EBOOK.

  • To access the eBooks:
  • Do a search for
  • Click the blue button labelled Details/Hold to the left of the title
  • Scroll down to the section labelled A Look Inside, there will be a linked marked URL
  • When you click this, a new browser window will open with information about the title. You will now be able to read the full text of the book

Search for eBooks on the NetLibrary Site

You can also search Kwantlen's eBook collection directly on the NetLibrary web site.

  • The default is a Basic Search, but an Advanced Search is also available Note: To do a phrase search, submit your search in quotes - for example, "small business"
  • You also have the option to add titles to a personal collection called Favorites, a stored list that allows you to access titles at a later time without doing another search. Just click the Add to Favorites link. (This requires you to create a personal account, see above)

Who do I contact if I need more information?

Kwantlen Librarians can help you set up a NetLibrary account and answer your questions about using eBooks. Visit your nearest Kwantlen Library Information Desk, or telephone the Information Desk during library hours:

  • Surrey Research Help Desk: 604-599-2105
  • Richmond Research Help Desk: 604-599-2638
  • Langley Research Help Desk: 604-599-3212
  • Cloverdale Research Help Desk: 604-598-6027

To learn even more about using eBooks, visit NetLibrary's help pages.

Updated by: JA
Updated: 09/07/2007

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