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General Library Overview
KPU has four campus libraries, one each at Langley, Richmond, Surrey and Tech campuses. The library welcomes members of the KPU Community as well as community members unaffiliated with the University. All campus libraries have automatic or button activated doors at their main entrances.
KPU Library’s spaces are divided into “Learning Zones.” The primary function of these zones is to manage sound and to help with user expectation of their environment. KPU Library encourages library users to self-select the space that best suits their study needs and expectations in terms of sound and interaction with others. These zones are marked by colour-coded signage. Silent Learning Zones (red), Quiet Learning Zones (yellow) and Collaborative Learning Zones (blue).
There are height adjustable tables available at each campus library.
Accessible computer stations (stations equipped with a height adjustable table, high-contrast keyboard, a headset with microphone, and with software JAWS and ZoomText) are available at Langley, Richmond and Surrey campus libraries.
If you would like a one-on-one orientation to the library and its services and facilities, please contact the EDIA Librarian.
If you need assistance at any time in our spaces, please ask any library staff member or librarian at our Service Counters or Research Help Desks.